factors affecting temperature of pakistan

Factors determining the adoption of green banking amongst commercial banks in Malaysia Dhamayanthi Arumugam1 and Teresa Chirute2 Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation, Malaysia dhamayanthi@apu.edu.my1, tchirute022@gmail.com2 Abstract Green banking is all about going beyond to make the world a better place without any The monsoon rains commence from the last week of June and persist till the end of September. Its objective is to provide a general evaluation of the quality of environment and emerging sustainable development trends in the country. The following factors affect the climate of India very profoundly. The study identifies the factors that affect transfer of OJT training included independent variables such as motivation to learn, Perceived Organizational Support and Training Design and their impact on employees’ performance i.e. Many factors, such as length of the growing season, climate (including solar radiation, temperature, light, wind, rainfall, and dew), cultivar, availability of nutrients and soil moisture, pests and cultural practices affect cotton growth (El-Zik, 1980). Climate scientists estimate that Pakistan’s annual mean temperature has risen by roughly 0.5 degrees Celsius (°C) over the last 50 years and will rise by a further 3°â€“6°C by the end of the century (Chaudhry 2017). This is because the suns rays are dispersed over a larger area of land as you move away from the equator. According to Germanwatch, publisher of the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI), Pakistan is the seventh most vulnerable country to climate change. There are many different factors that affect the climate of Pakistan and they are the same factors that affect climate around the world The most important factors are Distance from the Sea; The sea affects the climate of a place. The population of Pakistan is increasing at a rate of 3.2%. Pakistan has been paying attention to tackle climate change concerns and was one of the first signatories to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), ratifying it in 1994. Climate affects crop growth interactively, sometimes resulting in unexpected responses to prevailing conditions. Agriculture, Pakistan. ... During last 2-3 years, the climate change in Pakistan has diversely affected the agricultural sector in Pakistan. Future Trends of Temperature and Precipitation 17 b. Diversity of topography is another major factor. significant relationship with respondents’ awareness of the factors affecting the effectiveness of print media. In Pakistan, the most catastrophic flood occurred in 2010, affecting more than 24 million people, damaging more than 2 million hectares of standing crops and resulting in over 10 billion USD of economic losses [10,11]. So, the difference in temperature over the sea is less compared to the terrestrial surface. There are a number of factors contributing to the increasingly erratic weather patterns being witnessed all over the world, with carbon emissions being the major one. Physical factors of light, noise and temperature … This is known as the greenhouse effect . Two major areas … The temperature during several months of the year is warm to hot, with temperatures that continuously exceed 25 °C and even reaching 40 °C. The age of the driver significantly correlated (R 2 = 0.60) with RTAs; the drivers in the age group 40-60 years caused the least RTAs during their drive. In the lowlands, up to and altitude of 100 m to 150 m, the mean annual temperature various between 26.5 °C to 28.5 °C, with an annual temperature … decades or longer. Temperature is expected to increase by 0.9°C and 1.5°C by years 2020 and 2050, respectively. Sub-tropical location of Pakistan makes it receive direct sunrays and as a result generally high temperature in most areas of Pakistan. 1. Keeping Pakistan in mind, there are many aspects of the changing climate and global heating that are affecting this country. We study the essential role of different factors (temperature, PH, Sucrose, Boric acid, Calcium) in pollen germination and pollen tube growth of heliotropiumhirsutissimum (Boraginaceae).We used basal medium (Brewbaker&Kwack, 1963) with different temperatures (25-30-35°C), PH (5-6-7-8), Department of Economics, Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan, Pakistan Mumtaz Anwar Department of Economics, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan Abstract This paper attempts to examine the factors affecting cotton production in Multan region using primary source of data. Effective collisions are those with proper orientation and enough energy to overcome the activation energy Ea barrier. They have to wait for a long time to get a dream job. KP province is one of the coldest regions in Pakistan, with an average daily temperature of only 30 °C. Sugarcane is an important crop for bioenergy and sugar, contributing to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Pakistan. Projected Sea Level Rise 21 C. Sector Climate Change Impacts 23 1. Objectives: To determine the range for normal body temperature in the general population of Pakistan and to determine if any age, sex and ambient temperature related variations exist in body temperature. Selected agronomic factors affecting … Factors that affect soil formation. 24/05/2018. Tuberculosis is another major disease affecting a large number of people in Pakistan. Methods: Total eight micro and small industries in Lahore and Gujaranwala were visited during winter and summer season separately. Latitude. The climate of an ... 3. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Pakistan ranks in one of the top 5 countries that are highly prone to tuberculosis. This process may affect the stability of excavation and causes salt leaching on the walls. Factors affecting temperature of Pakistan           Latitudinal effect: The areas that lie near the equator encounter more amounts of sun rays than the areas that don’t lie near the equator. Southern Pakistan receives more amounts of sun rays as compared to Northern Pakistan. Today in 2019, the situation has far more worsened. Asia How climate change is aggravating Pakistan's water crisis. FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO CLIMATE CHANGE – GHG EMISSIONS The radiative energy by greenhouse gases is the primary cause of It was not only the hottest temperature ever recorded in Pakistan but also the second verified hottest temperature ever recorded in Asia and the fourth highest temperature ever recorded on earth. It includes every relationship which … Coastal areas are cooler and wetter than inland areas. This form of temperature inversion usually takes place on a cloudless night with little or no wind present, creating the perfect conditions for … These factors are distance from the sea, ocean currents, shape of the land, and the distance from the equator. Pakistan Journal of Meteorology Vol. The average monsoon rainfall of Lahore is 470.1 millimetres (18.51 in). There are several factors that affect weather and climate. The main factor that influences the temperature is the position of a place with respect to the sea. The present study investigated the impacts of these factors on spatial distribution of sub-tropical (scrub and pine) and moist temperate forests in Pakistan. When the latitude increases, the distant from the sun also increases, so the temperature gradu ally decreases. High January Avg. p. 1 What is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change? Climate of Pakistan and Influence of Climate in Pakistan...!! 2. Furthermore, they have to go through the period of a one-year internship to target a moderate job. Latitude? The temperature of the air resting over a landmass differs markedly from that of the air resting over an expanse of water in the same latitude: (i) Reflection is more by land than by sea. Agriculture, Pakistan. There are 5 factors which affect climate. As touched upon earlier, carbon dioxide is one of the most serious Environmental pollutants generated by the automotive industry. The highest temperature ever recorded in Pakistan is 53.7 °C (128.66 °F), in Turbat, Balochistan on 28 May 2017. The Fourth National Climate Assessment, published in 2018, warned that if we do not curb greenhouse gas emissions and start to adapt, climate change could seriously disrupt the U.S. economy.Warmer temperatures, sea level rise and extreme weather will damage property and critical infrastructure, impact human health and productivity, and negatively affect sectors such as agriculture, … The most important factor influencing rainfall is evaporation, which is the beginning of the cycle itself. factors which affect investors’ willingness to invest. Earth receives energy from the Sun, and reflects some of it back into space through the processes of convection and radiation. The population growth rate in Pakistan s around 2.4 percent per year. In Pakistan scenario, many researchers have done a lot of work on communication, learning facilities and family stress. Factors Effecting Climate of an Area • Altitude: Temperature falls the higher you are. The term refers to the phenomenon of rising of air with high moisture due to too much heat in summer, followed by condensation of water vapors in the atmosphere causing rainfall and thunderstorms. p. 2 What are the manifestations of global climate change? The main causes of climate change include the emission of greenhouse gases, burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, increasing livestock farming, excessive use of fertilizers, use of aerosol sprays and many more. Use the information to create a clear, visually appealing mind-map showing the physical and human factors affecting population density. q Religious loyalties dictate aims, content and even methods of instruction in education. Factors Affecting Employee Motivation Towards Employee Performance: A Study on Banking Industry of Pakistan Khan, Abdullah and Ahmed, Shariq and Paul, Sameer and Alam Kazmi, Syed Hasnain Mohammad Ali Jinnah University, Southwest Jiaotong University 29 June 2017 Online at https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/80930/ Observed Past Climate Trends 11 2. Child stunting is projected to increase by 35% by 2050 compared to a scenario without climate change. Global warming is starting to become apparent in Pakistan with warmer winters, glacial melt and a slight dip in temperature in the summer months. The monsoon and the Western Disturbance are the two main factors which alter the weather over Pakistan; Continental air prevails for rest of the year. 1. From the lofty mountains in the north to the southeastern and southwestern deserts, there is great variety of landforms. Presently, we have to feed more the 200 million people and if population increase rate remains the same, then it will be almost double by the year,2025 and hence, the consumption of the underground water will also add to the problem which will be further aggravated due to factors such as global warming and other climate changes. Contents CLIMATE CHANGE AND ITS LOCAL AND GLOBAL EFFECTS How do the terms greenhouse effect, global warming, and climate change differ? Technological Factors. Factors affecting temperature of Pakistan Latitudinal effect: The areas that lie near the equator encounter more amounts of sun rays than the areas that don’t lie near the equator. Low January Avg. Physical factors that affect population density include water supply, climate, relief (shape of the land), vegetation, soils and availability of natural resources and energy. The straight-line portion of the curve fell at about 1/4 degree F per second, which leads me to believe that if you load and shoot quickly, barrel temperature will have only a small effect on powder temperature. University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan Abstract Climate change refers to any significant change in measures of weather and environment (such as temperature, precipitation or wind) over an extended period of time i.e. Keep in mind, not many companies can impact political stability, but Nestlé can. Factors Affecting Analytical Balances. Climate change will also affect glaciers. Climatic and topographic factors control the distribution of forests across the globe. Climate change is very likely to affect food security at the global, regional, and local level. Meteorological data reveal that winter temperatures are rising and summers are getting cooler. Sugarcane is an important crop for bioenergy and sugar, contributing to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Pakistan. The mean annual temperature in Sri Lanka manifests largely homogeneous temperatures in the low lands and rapidly decreasing temperatures in the highlands. Southern Pakistan receives more amounts of sun rays as compared to Northern Pakistan. They are used to accurately weigh samples and precipitates. A sample of 60 small farmers, 25 medium and 15 large This disease spreads by sneezing and coughing and can become deadly if not treated on time. Temperature stress is a major environmental stress that limits the sugarcane growth, productivity and metabolism worldwide. Moreover, to compare how much axillary temperature differs from oral temperature measurements. It plays a large role in global climate change, by means of the greenhouse effect. for a contrary result), increases in temperature ought to favor C 4 plants. These factors are distance from the sea, ocean currents, shape of the land, and the distance from the equator. Transfer … Climate of pakistan. The monsoon rains commence from the last week of June and persist till the end of September. 4:Sub-Tropical Coastal Areas 2:Sub-Tropical Continental Plateau This region includes the coastal strip around Karachi and Makran coast in Baluchistan.Here due to the influence of the sea,the It generally decreases as the mean temperature increases, depending on the … In the northern part of the Indo-Gangetic plain (zone A), corresponding to the region of Punjab (or Panjab), the "five rivers land", the climate is sub-tropical, with a mild and relatively rainy winter (when, however, nights are cold), followed by a very hot period from mid-April through June, when the temperature can reach 46/47 °C (115/117 °F), and a sweltering summer, with some rain brought by … Although political changes often affect the company, moving operations out of the country affects the unstable environment for Britain. July Avg. A. Greenhouse Gas Emission Profile of Pakistan 9 B. Table I Relationship between age of respondents and their awareness of factors affecting the effectiveness of print media Age Awareness Low Medium High Total Young 4 20 28 52 7.69% 38.46% 53.85% 21.67% Middle 9 27 59 95 Indeed, religion and beliefs have also been known to influence and shape aspects in education system. •A 1 degrees C decrease in temperature was associated with a 1.35% increase in the daily number of total natural deaths and a 1.72% , 3.30% and 1.25% increase in cardiovascular, Mountainous areas make it difficult to construct buildings and roads. Climate of Lahore Climate of Lahore – The monthly factors! When the altitude increases, the temperature also gradu ally decreases. The extent of precipitation affects the supply of drinking water in Gwadar. The development of Gwadar port had made is a major district of Pakistan and had contributed in the economic development of Balochistan. Economic activities could be carried out throughout the year because of moderate climate. 4. Posted January 28, 2020 by Quality Scales & filed under analytical balances.. p. 3 What are the manifestations of climate change in the • Climate change and an altered balance of plant species is expected to alter critical habitat for wildlife, e.g., prairie potholes and playa lakes. 4:Sub-Tropical Coastal Areas 2:Sub-Tropical Continental Plateau This region includes the coastal strip around Karachi and Makran coast in Baluchistan.Here due to the influence of the sea,the October 26, 2018. Tropic of Cancer passes through the middle of the country from the Rann of Kuchchh in the west of Mizoram in the east. High July Avg. Factors affecting seed quality of pre and post-harvest seed. Phytogeography, Climate, Vegetation and Botanical Zones of India. Climate change can disrupt food availability, reduce access to food, and affect food quality. Temperature inversion is primarily caused by four different factors, resulting in four types of inversion: 1) Surface Inversion. The finished mind map should take at least a full page of your book and use colour and images as well as text. A 2016 report by PCRWR highlights that Pakistan had already touched the water stress line in 1990, and by 2005, it had crossed the red area, i.e., “water scarcity line.”. Increased evapo-transpiration as a result of high temperatures will increase water demand of crops (by 10- 30%). However, daily maximum temperatures exceeding 32°C would reduce the duration of grain on genesis, result in a change in protein composition, produce shriveled grains containing a higher proportion of bran and thus reduce the wheat quality . Showers do occur in this season late in November from the Western Disturbances. Climate Change Trends in Pakistan 11 1. Factors affecting the rate of a reaction - Temperature : Rate of a reaction depends on the fraction of “effective collisions” per unit time. This article is going to highlight the factors that affect unemployment among medical students in Pakistan. Due to alarming increase in population and rapid industrialization, drinking water quality is being deteriorated day by day in Pakistan. When the reactant particles collide with the required activation energy, These factors are students’ communication skills, learning facilities, proper guidance and family stress. Monsoon precipitation in Lahore. Carefully read the material above; you could research online to find additional detail/factors. Factors That Affect Body Mass Index of Adults: Esma Asil, Metin Saip Surucuoglu, Funda Pinar Cakiroglu, Asli Ucar, Ayse Ozfer Ozcelik, Mustafa Volkan Yilmaz and Lale Sariye Akan: Abstract: The aim of the study is to determine the factors that contribute to the body mass index (BMI) of adults and evaluate the eating habits of the individuals. In a study focusing on the U.S., researchers analyzed 30 years of crime and weather data and concluded outdoor tem-perature had a strong effect on crime (Ranson, 2014). The net effect of those changes is unknown. During the day, the air temperature increases as energy received exceeds the energy reflected from Earth's surface. Climate of Pakistan. Air Masses and Winds- Areas that are closer to bodies of water tend to have a low temperature and areas further away from bodies of water tend to have a high temperature … Temperature range increases with distance from the equator. What factors affect climate? The average monsoon rainfall of Lahore is 470.1 millimetres (18.51 in). Motorcycle is an essential and popular mode of transportation in Pakistan, therefore, the present study estimated a random parameters logit mode … Climate of Lahore Climate of Lahore – The monthly factors! Introduction. Purpose: This research is focused on examining the factors that influence transfer (effectiveness) of On-The-Job training at workplaces in Pakistan. Hazy and dry weather is the main factor of autumn. the four factors that affect students’ academic performance. Causes of climate change - human and natural factors A natural function of the Earth's atmosphere is to keep in some of the heat that is lost from the Earth. According to some statistics, between 1997 and 2016, Pakistan suffered from 141 extreme weather events and lost an average of 523.1 lives per year due to climate change effects. The best time to visit southern Pakistan is between November and March, when the days are cool and clear. Our results are in agreement with the earlier reports where environmental factors were demonstrated to affect the growth of … Losing Nestlé means a loss of over 300 jobs, impacting the already controversial political British climate. Pakistan is confronting similar climate change. Motorcycles constitute 61% of the total registered vehicles in Pakistan and there has been a 371% growth in motorcycles in the country from year 2005-2015. The percentage of RTAs which occurred due to fog, rainfall, temperature, and other weather-related factors was 34, 25, 21, and 20%, respectively. read more. The sea gets heated slowly and loses heat slowly compared to land. ... (Zakaria, 2008) in his research about investment in Pakistan evaluated the investment climate in Pakistan. Climate change is expected to have major health impacts in India- increasing malnutrition and related health disorders such as child stunting - with the poor likely to be affected most severely.

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