paper rejected after minor revision

Given that rejection is inevitable, even for Nobel laureates, researchers should focus not on avoiding rejection but on what their options are after rejection. Minor revision usually implies that the reviewers (and the editor) think that authors can correct the paper in a way that will address all of the c... Accept – very rare perfect paper. Typically, these categories include “accepted”, “minor revision”, “major revision”, “rejected with invitation to resubmit as a new manuscript”, and “rejected”. Economist. ... and none of them suggested rejection. A paper undergoing minor revision may be rejected on the following probable grounds: 1. Here’s the explanation. The editor’s goal is to publish good papers. For the first round, I recieved a major revision and for the next two rounds, I received minor revisions.Around the end of last year, the journal changed its chief editor who was responsible for my article. Probably should rewrite this part so that the methods are reflected in the results that then Notifications of decisions of revised papers (Accept/Reject): September 30, 2021. Of these papers, 11 were Rejected, 77 received a Reject and Resubmit Outcome, 48 received a Major Revision outcome, 20 received a Minor Revision outcome, and 5 were Accepted. The outcome after resubmission of a “one-shot revision” will either be “Accept with Shepherding”, "Accept as a Poster", or “Reject”. This suggests two possible further lines of research. I have submitted two manuscripts to Sci Reports. The reviews of the original version came with conclusions "Accept after major revision" (rev A) and "Accept after minor revision" (rev B). Yes. When an editor sends a paper back for major revisions, it means they think it may be suitable for their journal after quite a lot more work. A... Charlesworth Author Services, a trusted brand supporting the world’s leading academic publishers, institutions and authors since 1928. What is the decision process for a typical paper? ^minor revision. My last 2 manuscripts had that and all were rejected after considerable revision. But it does not hurt to try. When Corlett had a paper rejected recently, it "made me more motivated to get it right," he says. Dr Sandra Jones Department of Social Sciences University of the Pacific Coast P.O. Decisions can be three types like accepted without revision, resubmit with major/minor revisions, rejected. Here we focus on how to deal with reviewer comments. How to Revise Your Academic Paper After It Has Been Rejected. I then suggested that Author B was influenced by … If an editor rejects your paper after giving minor rejection, it is likely because s/he thought the comments s/he got from the new referees were deal-breakers. A paper could also be rejected at this stage if it has too many grammar and syntax errors; this is something that authors for whom English is a second language need to be careful about. We decided to re-submit it to Genome Biology instead. A recommendation of major revision appears to be much closer to accept and minor revision in its effects on the acceptance rate of a paper. My paper was rejected twice before submission here, and then it was submitted to Materials, four reviewers, the opinions are reliable. It will be treated as a new paper and will have to go through … Paper rejected after minor revision Paper rejected after minor revision These reasons why research papers are rejected can be broadly … Finally, the numerical example (Sect. Acceptance with major revisions. Papers having two reviewers’ recommendations to accept and Until a paper is accepted, it can be subject to further review. In the case of major revisions it means that the paper will definitely be re-review... What used to be called “Minor Revisions” is now called “Reject (With Invited Resubmission)” with a shorter timeline. The article contains a small number of easily correctable errors including grammar, missing ref-erences, and minor content clarification. Active papers are in submission or under review. Options you have: Resubmit a revised manuscript to the same journal: If you have improved your paper and addressed the issues that caused the rejection, you are welcome to resubmit the paper to the same journal. Here are some translations: The paper is not acceptable in its present form:This essentially means that the manuscript is likely to be accepted, subject to satisfactory revisions. Box 101 Salmon Cove, British Columbia V2K 3L4 Canada (609) 741-8955 Normally a paper can only be accepted if all reviewers agree to accept. Decisions about which articles get published are typically made by the editorial board at the journal. I was mad to have to deal with a rejection after such petty reviews. Motivation, however, returned after getting a paper back from review with the status "accepted with major revisions". One can say the paper is more likely to be accepted than not, but the paper is not accepted until you receive the acceptance letter. Minor revision means that your paper accepted by about 70 % but not final acceptance until you fix further comments. Time varies from journal to others, but within one month. 1a. Mr Reginald Smith, Editor Journal of Changing … Yes, that happens very often. While “major revision” at some journals entail that it’s expected to be accepted (assuming that the authors actually... Today, I will discuss how to prepare the revision of a journal paper after receiving the editor’s decision that the paper will be accepted with minor or major modifications.. As most people should know, when submitting a paper to a journal, the decision is usually “accept”, “accept with minor modifications”, “accept with major modifications”, “reject” or “resubmit as new”. You and the editor have a different understanding on the nature and extend of the revisions required. guide to reviewing a manuscript. What used to be “minor revisions” is now “Reject With Invited Resubmission.” There also used to be an “Accept With Major Revision” and that’s also gone the way of the passenger pigeon. It wasn’t a common thing, but it did happen. Not all “Reject With Invited Resubmission” decisions are the same. One was rejected after substantial reviews. If you come though the first round of review with minor revisions, pat yourself on the back, it's just a matter of time before your work gets published. If the revision is accepted as a poster or rejected then any future revision of it may not be resubmitted to any SIGMETRICS deadline within 12 months following the initial submission of the paper. Major Revision you say ? I had a paper that was rejected after a “Minor Revision”. The paper had three reviews, all good. Apparently, one of the or... Letter A.2: Resubmitting a Paper after Necessary Revisions Have Been Made. 6) is particularly well-suited for illustrating the practical benefits of the … Mainly, it was only one table which needed amendments. 4) Not Suitable for Publication. Nearly all papers fall into one of three categories: i) Rejected without review (as described above), ii) Rejected after review, and iii) a Major Revision followed by a Minor Revision followed by Accept. Then I showed the editor’s letter to my advisor. We reworked the rejected manuscript on the basis of the reviews, then submitted to Nucleic Acids Research. In many cases, even when you disagree with the author, referees have moved from rejection to minor revision after considering the author’s reasons to back up his/her argument. The deceased were identified as Jatan Chandra Singha, 18, son of Debendra Chandra Sing, and Sumi Bala, the 14-year-old daughter of Jatin Chandra of Baliadangi … Because of the reviewers concerns, I cannot accept the paper in … 10 months ago # QUOTE 0 Jab 0 No Jab ! Minor revision usually implies that the reviewers (and the editor) think that authors can correct the paper in a way that will address all of the concerns, and the reviewers not need to see the paper again before publication. If your paper has been rejected prior to peer review due to lack of subject fit, then find a new journal to submit your work to and move on. – Accept with minor revision – Major revision (rare cases) – Reject • EIC makes final decision • Overall turn-around time: 6 to 12 months • Rule of thumb: 30% additional work beyond a CVPR/ICCV/ECCV paper rejection after "accptance with minor revision" or "conditional acceptance" Economist 8503. how likely does it occur? As Quora User indicates, a major revision of a paper will almost always go back to the original reviewers to see if the revisions respond to their... Here the authors focus on some previously overlooked high-rank solutions (lower probability). 10 months ago # QUOTE 0 Jab 0 No Jab ! Minor revision means that your paper accepted by about 70 % but not final acceptance until you fix further comments. Time varies from journal to ot... Rejection: not the end of the world•You are not alone – everyone has papers rejectedso do not take it personally•Try to understand why the paper was rejected•You have received the editors and reviewers‟ time – benefit fromthe advice and pointers they have given you•Re-evaluate your work and decide whether it is … Otherwise the paper is either rejected (e.g., if majority reviewers recommend to reject), or go for a major or minor revision. Result: Accepted after revision Write a review: Reviewed 2018-06-25 19:14:47 The submission was rejected after 2 months, and the revised re-introduction briefing was accepted for 1 month.When the second submission was made, the editor directly gave the previous two reviewers, so the speed was very fast.Thanks for your thanks! by Niklas Elmqvist, University of Maryland, College Park. Author need to deposit publication fee within 3 days after the payment request. The list … paper. My article was submitted to a journal last year and has undergone three rounds of reviews. Result: Accepted after revision Write a review: Reviewed 2019-10-10 10:53:17 It took 1.5 months from submission to acceptance. The referee’s role is to give them advice on that. It happens often when a couple/individual reviewer of your paper does not believe in the idea or results that you are presenting. The journal may reject your initial offering but invite you to resubmit … Step by step. I sent the response to the reviewer comments (some of which were rebuttals). paper is first submitted, it comes to the Editor-in-Chief (EiC) to undertake initial checks as to whether ... (minor or major) revision, authors are always invited to comment if they feel that some of the ... judged suitable to undergo peer review but nonetheless rejected after one or more rounds of review. The Decision First read the letter carefully. The first level is an editorial rejection. We only work with native English-speaking … Letter A.2: Resubmitting a Paper after Necessary Revisions Have Been Made. Yes. Less likely. My favorite horror story has to do with a paper that was submitted, was mostly copied and published with a different author, and... … In that case the paper will be rejected, if it ever comes back in the first place. Economist. The answer depends on the associate editor, and mostly on you. Imagine you drastically change your manuscript at this stage, not taking into accoun... Abstract Submission Deadline: May 15 May 22, 2021. One reviewer has minor recommendations for revision, the other has fairly substantial recommendations. I got an an article in a journal recently accepted with minor revisions. A journal will also reject your paper if they feel that you’re not … Final recommendation: The paper is suitable for publication after minor revision. This decision is based on the experience of the editor and myself. If an editor rejects your paper after giving minor rejection, it is likely because s/he thought the comments s/he got from the new referees were deal-breakers. As noted above, some rejections occur before the paper is sent for review. You are allowed to make extensive revision and then resubmit. Yes. The paper can get rejected after a major revision. Once you submit the paper after major revision, your paper is assigned to the same reviewer... For most journals, manuscripts are rejected at one of two steps in the review process. Your paper is not rejected completely. But it does not hurt to try. Studies indicate that 21% of papers are rejected without review, and approximately 40% of papers are rejected after peer review. The first paper I wrote as a PhD student was rejected four times before finally getting the decision “Minor revision.” Being slightly more established and experienced now, I have also had the privilege to serve as a peer reviewer for other scholars’ articles. The authors had every right to expect that the paper would be published after they had made the minor revisions, but the research methods contained errors that rendered the paper nonpunishable. After the final review process if the paper will accepted we will send a payment request to the author. 9 years ago # QUOTE 1 Jab 0 … Generally, if you make the revisions as suggested, you will then be … When you submit a paper to a journal for the first time, the most likely outcome (besides rejection) is not usually acceptance—for myself, I think I have only had a single paper accepted to a journal in the first … All 20 Minor Revision Revised submissions due: September 15, 2021. After three more weeks of reviewing and 1.5 weeks of online discussion, we notified authors of the Round 2 decisions on January 18, 2019. I If editors do send your piece out for anonymous, external peer review, the reviewers usually have the option of indicating if they think the journal should accept the piece as is (this very rarely happens), accept with minor revision, accept with major revision, have the author revise and resubmit it, or reject the piece … After revision, the paper will be sent to the same reviewers for the next round. World Development: revisions are sent back to reviewers if the first round asked for major revisions, or if there was a first … 1b. Every authors has a number of options after a manuscript is rejected by a journal. For details, see under “Revision Cycles and Decisions.” Starting with the October 2020 cycle, authors of rejected papers may revise and submit their revised papers from three cycles onwards, but not before. The article is not suitable for publication. Of 219 manuscripts submitted to Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound in 2012, none (0%) was accepted without revision, four (2%) were withdrawn by the authors, 99 (45%) were accepted after revision, and 116 (53%) were rejected. Ultimately, it is the editor’s task, rather than that of the reviewer, to decide whether a manuscript will be accepted, revised or rejected after review. Now the status is changed to under review again. Minor revision sent back to reviewers. Notification to authors (Accept/ Accept minor-revision/ Revise/ Reject): August 15, 2021. It is the bottom line, although there are some things for which only actually having the paper published is what counts. case, the paper should probably be rejected, because two major revisions are not allowed. DEALING WITH REJECTION Unfortunately, yes. Sometimes, there is a disconnect between what you have in mind and what the professor has in mind. even with a conference, it c... However manuscripts that accrue the complete set of pos-sible recommendations sorely test the mettle of the editor. Otherwise the paper is either rejected (e.g., if majority reviewers recommend to reject), or go for a major or minor revision. Editors reject manuscripts at this stage for one or more technical reasons: 1. Writing Effective Revision Response Letters. It is very common for papers to be rejected. Most other journals would have turned it around in a few days. The decisions you’ve made thus far offer you at least six options for what to do with a paper after rejection. ^minor revision. REVIEWER #1: response to be as clear as possible. After revision, the paper will be sent to the same reviewers for the next round. On that basis, on 12 December 2008 the Associate Editor submitted a decision "Accept after major revision", and requested the author to prepare it within 90 days. Mr Reginald Smith, Editor Journal of Changing Weather P.O. Of course, it may happen that a paper is rejected after a revision if the authors are not able to answer the reviewer’s comments. Conferences can create any number of paper status labels for the active, accepted and rejected states. We also got an offer by the editor to transfer it to BMC Genomics, a sister journal of Genome Biology, with a minor revision. I submitted the revisions within a few days, and thought that the editor would deal with them quickly. 1c. It does not offer any value to the readers of IEEE Potentials or its subject is so thoroughly incoher- Reviewer recommendations of accept and minor revision were similar in their positive effects on editor decisions, while papers receiving at least one recommendation of reject (“the kiss of death”) were almost always rejected. Normally a paper can only be accepted if all reviewers agree to accept. One was accepted after substantial reviews and revision. Yes, it can. Was the rejection editorial (without review) or was your manuscript rejected after review by several experts? When you receive an invitation to peer review, you should be sent a copy of the paper's abstract to help you decide whether you wish to do the review. General Comments This article provides an in-depth analysis of the wind inversion methodology and wind direction ambiguity selection for the ASCAT scatterometer. The data in the abstract don’t support the conclusions in the abstract. Still, if the two referees rejected your paper, the editor agreed with their comments and concerns, and there’s no space for negotiation, … Unfortunately yes. A friend of mine once submitted a paper to a top journal in computer science. In the first round, he got an "accept with major r... The median time to review a revised version of a paper is a little over 2 months. HOWEVER, an editor can say: "I reject this paper, but you should go through a major revision and submit a new/different paper." Box 101 Salmon Cove, British Columbia V2K 3L4 Canada (609) 741-8955 Try to respond to invitations promptly - it will prevent delays. The manuscript is My paper compared the plots of two very well-known works of literature. Editor will make a decision based on reviews. ... A revision of the paper … Even when paired with an accept, a reject almost always results in a paper being rejected (78.9% of papers in our study). You always should take very seriously any revision … Can a first submission that returns with a minor revision request turn out to be rejected? I then quickly made theA paper undergoing minor revision may be rejected on the following probable grounds Sometimes a revised manuscript goes out to a new reviewer, so although the minor revisions may have been done in a thorough manner, the new may … One typical mistake from some authors is to perform very minor (or simply none) revisions ignoring some important comments from the reviewers. After the reviews are complete, dispositions may include “rejection without further submission,” “rejection with an opportunity to resubmit,” “major revision without a promise of acceptance,” “minor revision,” “acceptance subject to minor revision,” or “outright acceptance.” 27. When a paper of mine was first reviewed, one of the reviewers was okay with the paper and the other one requested minor revisions. paper. The rejection that wasn’t. Paper rejected after minor revision Paper rejected after minor revision Papers with more consistent reviews (e.g. Full paper submissions due: May 22 June 1, 2021. paper is first submitted, it comes to the Editor-in-Chief (EiC) to undertake initial checks as to whether ... (minor or major) revision, authors are always invited to comment if they feel that some of the ... judged suitable to undergo peer review but nonetheless rejected after one or more rounds of review. This type of rejection typically happens quickly—within 1‒2 weeks of submission—and is made by the journal editor.

Abstract. Surface ozone (O3) pollution … And Accept is still Accept. The minor revisions not effected as expected 2. If this is your first submission, run it by these 11 points to ensure that your chances of rejection are minimised. If your research paper has been rejected, ensure that you are not making any of these mistakes when submit it to the next journal. Fairly unlikely. The is a clash of beliefs, a conflict of scientific understandings and following a collision course, the paper may be rejected by a journal even after a major revision. There are a few other reasons that a manuscript may be not be accepted for publication. Typically, comments include (1) a brief summary of the paper and its contribution as they understood it, (2) major comments/suggestions/questions (the “deal breakers”), (3) minor comments/ questions (the “suggestions”). In theory, having formal decision categories should aid clear communication, which is in the interests of both editors and authors. He said, “Congratulations!”. Papers with more consistent reviews (e.g. 3) Minor Revision. For every academic paper you submit, it’s always a good idea to have a prioritized list of journals you want to submit it to. The journal clearly said that the paper was accepted, subject to minor amendments and even went on to mention tentative publication dates. Although their reports are very positive about your paper, they also include helpful suggestions for improving the paper, especially regarding_____. “accept” and “major revision”. You weren’t “rejected” - that means that you flat out can’t make relatively minor changes to the paper based on the reviewers’ comments and resubmit. Of the articles that were sent out for review, reviewer recommendations strongly influenced the outcome of the review process and the decisions by the editors. Dr Sandra Jones Department of Social Sciences University of the Pacific Coast P.O. I have some questions so that I can improve my paper and potentially submit it to a different journal. In this case, the paper should probably be rejected, because two major revisions are not allowed. HOWEVER, an editor can say: "I reject this paper, but you should go through a major revision and submit a new/different paper." Sample Response to Revision Request. Paper rejected after minor revision Paper rejected after minor revision A flat-out rejection — “Please don’t send us this paper again” — hasn’t changed. A minor couple in Thakurgaon's Khalipur village allegedly ended their lives by consuming poison after their families rejected their marriage proposal. After peer-review, the editor makes a decision based on reviewer recommendation and his/her own assessment, which can be any of the following: A-accept (almost never after the first review round) B-minor revisions required (no further formal external peer-review round required, editor makes decision) C-revise & rereview; … In my last post I wrote that I was having problems with motivation, which was true. However, the good thing is that the author is generally informed about the reason for return without review, so in case there is a major problem with the language, the paper can be professionally edited … You were asked to revise the paper, based on the suggestions of the reviewers, and resubmit within 6-weeks. One week is not too soon. The Editor is a professor too and may be away for the week at a conference. Or, depending on the time of the semester,... It expresses the judgment that there is a high enough chance that after one or more rounds of revision, the paper will be a … Reviewer #2: Minor Revision • “The paper is well written, provides the necessary background information and step-wise introduces the new approach. Then I received a reject letter from the new editor. It took nearly 3 months to get a final decision after we submitted our revised manuscript that was "accepted with minor revision". It is also important at this stage to declare any potential Conflict of … It turns out it was not a rejection, but a minor revision. Common Errors That Lead to Rejection (Part 3) Last updated Mar 9, 2021. The abstract might better differentiate among the three categories. That way, if your first choice rejects your article, you can, in many cases, turn around and send it to the next journal on your list. As for major revisions, these are significant new experiments that could cause your premise to fall apart. Every paper in EDAS is in one of four paper states: active, accepted, rejected or withdrawn. Usually, if your paper receive the decision “accept with minor modifications”, there is a high chance that your paper will be accepted if you address the comments well. This article covers the list of options available following the rejection of your academic paper. Paper rejected after minor revision Paper rejected after minor revision Fairly unlikely. Payment will be confirmed. Minor revision: The manuscript could be published after minor revisions. Resubmit to the same journal. What used to be called “Major Revisions” is now called “Reject (With Invited Resubmission)” with a multiple-month deadline. Peter Thrower, PhDWhen a manuscript is submitted to a high-quality scholarly journal, it goes through intense scrutiny — even before it's seen by the editor-in-chief and selected for I got that letter on a paper about a year ago, Reviewer recommendations of accept and minor revision were similar in their positive effects on editor decisions, while papers receiving at least one recommendation of reject (“the kiss of death”) were almost always rejected. After another round of substantial reviews and revision, the paper … It should have been desk rejected, but it had been sent instead to inappropriate peer reviewers who had asked for major revisions, and then minor revisions. It was rejected on 21 July 2016 with an invitation to re-submit after addressing the reviewers comments. A decision of revise and resubmit (R&R) comes from the editor, having studied the reports. Rejection after review generally results from the assessment of novelty and importance or from technical concerns uncovered in the review process. Furthermore, the methodology is sound with proofs in the appendix. No, minor revision doesn't mean accepted with minor revisions. Strictly speaking, for truly minor revisions, it's possible that the editor accepts... 9 years ago # QUOTE 1 Jab 1 No Jab! Is it common for a journal to reject a paper after previously accepting it? Yes, characterizing revisions as "minor" strongly suggests that if you make those revisions the paper will be accepted. Editors may prefer not to... A very short answer for this is: a paper can get rejected any time for whatever reason; live with it. Journals are run by editors, often supported... I submitted a paper to an academic journal, and it was rejected. This is fairly promising as it is my last paper to be included in … I recently submitted a paper which came back from the review with minor revision requests. Editor will make a decision based on reviews. Paper rejected after minor revision Paper rejected after minor revision For example, conferences might create "minor revision" and "major revision" status … Minor Revision – changes in wording, citations, or details of analysis and presentation. In part 1 and part 2, we focused on the common reasons for revision and rejection by journals. Paper rejected after minor revision Paper rejected after minor revision Major Revision – more experiments / simulations are needed to make a sufficient connection – up to the lab whether they want to do them or not. I the rejection. Lacking state-of-the-art overview. Major comments are the fundamental weaknesses in the paper that could lead to rejection. Submissions can receive one of four decisions: Accept, Minor Revision, Major Revision, and Reject. The plots are very, very similar. The article has been revised a lot, and I feel it was improved … The author of a manuscript which has received an accept with major revisions decision is to be congratulated, as the editors have concluded that the paper contains a publishable contribution when a list of specified revisions is successfully executed. I remember when I got the reviews back from the first big paper that I submitted. both reviewers recommending a major revision… Are you worried about article rejection?

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