The influence of non-verbal communication … His theoretical work and experiments helped identify nonverbal and subtle ways in which one conveys like-dislike, power and leadership, discomfort and insecurity, social attractiveness, persuasiveness, and ways to detect when others are being deceptive in communication. We communicate globally with one another by means of language, gestures, signs and pictograms. To get a better understanding of communication, professor of psychology Albert Mehrabian studied the importance of non-verbal communication in the 1970s. He is widely known for his work on nonverbal communication. Albert Mehrabian is current professor emeritus of psychology at the University of California Los Angeles. He is author or co-author of 20 books. They were pioneering studies in the study of nonverbal communication. It is almost impossible not to communicate. Mehrabian's Communication Theory: Verbal, Non-Verbal, Body Language Professor Albert Mehrabian has pioneered the understanding of communications since the 1960s. He has served as consulting editor to Sociometry, Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, and Journal of Psychology. To summarize, Mehrabian’s studies asked participants to judge the feelings of a speaker by listening to a recording of a single word spoken in different tones of voice. Albert Mehrabian’s famous formula expressing the dominance of nonverbal communication is derived from two studies he carried out with colleagues in 1967. Albert Mehrabian ‘s Communication model: 7 – 38 – 55. The Mehrabian formula comes from two studies in nonverbal communication carried out by Mehrabian and two colleagues in 1967. He received his PhD from Clark University and in l964 commenced an extended career of teaching and research at the University of California, Los Angeles. Albert Mehrabian’s studies in nonverbal communication. Yes, one single word. For example, professor Mehrabian is known for his pioneering work in the field of nonverbal communication (body language).