Some specimens may not be seen for weeks on end. The pet store where I found her suggested I get her de-fanged if I intend on handling her. Believe me, they've had plenty of time to try. Other normal, non-venomous snakes do not need to be defanged because they have teeth, not fangs. Tarantulas do not have ears, but they detect sound waves via the hairs on the legs. Some extremely unethical pet stores will use scissors or nail clippers to cut off a tarantula’s fangs to “prevent biting”. Defanging your pet snake is strongly considered if it is venomous, which rarely happens since venomous snakes will still be able to deliver venom to you with or without fangs. Tarantulas, while often given a bad reputation in films, are actually fascinating animals and make interesting pets. Tarantulas As Pets. Are pet tarantulas poisonous? The term tarantula is usually used to describe members of the family Theraphosidae, although many other members of the same infraorder (Mygalomorphae) are commonly referred to as "tarantulas" or "false tarantulas". Tarantulas are quiet and need little space, so keeping them as pets can be a fascinating hobby. This is extremely abusive and misleading to a customer who thinks they are getting a “defanged” tarantula – because a less experienced tarantula owner may not know this: It is impossible to defang a spider due to the fact that the fangs will always grow … Included species are the Goliath Bird-eating, Cobalt Blue, Gooty sapphire, Mexican redknee, and many others. Unlike the early years, where specimens were captured in the wild and shipped worldwide, a CITES listing means all current pet specimens are now captive bred. Of course I would like to handle her, but I'm a little nervous because she isn't used to me yet, and in addition, her fangs are as big as mine. Brachypelma smithi, better known as the Mexican Red Knee tarantula, is one of the best-known of all theraphosid spiders.. How to Pick a Pet Tarantula. From a young age, most of us are taught to fear these creatures because of how intimidating and scary they can look (for good reason too). Tarantulas for Sale. I have a number of pet tarantulas, and “affectionate” is not a word I’d use to describe them. Confident, calm handling seldom results in a bite. Let alone the word, Tarantula. This is not to say that people never handle their pet tarantulas- to the contrary, an experienced handler can pick up even the most flighty or defensive species with relative ease. Not so for the Mexican Red Knee, however, which can often be seen resting in plain sight in their vivarium. Sometimes a T will lose a fang or two in a molt or other freak accident. We have a wide variety of exotic tarantulas for sale. Defanging your puppy snake is strongly thought to be whether it is venomous, which hardly occurs since venomous snakes will nonetheless be capable of ship venom to you without or with fangs. Thinking about getting a Pet Tarantula? It is not usual to defang a pet snake. My tarantulas have gotten me through some difficult times! Are pet snakes defanged? There are over 800 species of tarantulas belonging to the family Theraphosidae. Tarantulas: Cambodia's disappearing delicacy However, this delicacy is in danger of disappearing, thanks to deforestation and over-harvesting of the spiders. Before making a commitment, make sure to ask yourself a few important questions. These are fascinating arachnids, with some reaching mammoth sizes. Tarantulas As Pets When most people heard the word spider, they freak! Tremendously popular in the early days of the tarantula keeping hobby, it remains a staple in the trade today.