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That is the way I am. Audio pronunciations, verb conjugations, quizzes and more. That is how I am....Asi es como soy. In English, "como estas" means "how are you?" If you took a vacation under a rock then maybe you have not heard of Bomba Estéreo’s AWESOME song “SOY YO” In fact, I know I am late to the game creating plans for this song Sometimes I start the year with the same lesson plans for 6th-8th grade with little modifications between classes. Translation of así at Merriam-Webster's Spanish-English Dictionary. Besides the lyric of the song Yo Soy Asi in english, you will also find Yo Soy Asi translated into Portuguese, French, German or other languages. Sé que mis críticas a veces son duras, pero yo soy así y tienes que acostumbrarte. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. "Soy asi" means "I am that way". I am like that yo soy asi. a phrase from a new reggaeton song and i cnt figure out whta it means. What does Yo Soy Asi mean in english? I am like this yo soy asi. Start studying Soy Yo // Vocabulario básico ENGLISH. Yo soy asi. Yo Soy Asi and many other song lyrics of Violetta translated into english can be found in Translate Lyrics! That is the way I am.....Asi soy de esa manera I know that my criticism is sometimes tough, but that's the way I am and you have to get used to it. "Soy" means "I am" referring not to how you are doing but to what you are like. A great response to this question would be "soy bueno" which means "I am good" in English.