Pigeons are seed eaters. Humankind's relationship with pigeons dates back to the dawn of civilization, and likely even earlier than that.Domesticated pigeons, also known as rock doves, were first depicted in pictographic writing on clay tablets in the Mesopotamian period dating well over 5,000 years old. Feed, Grit and Water Feed What kind of body would you have if you only ate cake? They can be crushed into smaller and smaller pieces, but they will pretty much stay the same, just in a smaller form. To avoid the feeding ritual from being a problem to anyone, you can make sure not to overfeed by feeding only a little at a time. Clay pigeons are usually made of a mixture of clay and asphalt. Pigeon shooting is popular all year round, although the spring months are often the best for those seeking sport after the end of the game bird season. In Beijing where I am now, you can see here and there rooftop hutches where people raise pigeons for meat. You also can buy sticky chemical sprays at a pest control store. Like you, they need a balanced diet. These are strips of plastic or metal spikes that will keep pigeons from roosting on their favorite pooping places. Noteworthy, the details vary, including throw cycle interval, shooting distance, and launch angle, etc. Racing Pigeon Race Feed by Lavender Hill Lofts I have had a lot of people call and ask me what I feed my racing pigeons particularly my racers and I wanted to show you the mix that I feed. A major part of my professional expertise, once you are set out in the field, is to continually look for pigeons and move them from other feeding areas so as you can get the most amount of shooting opportunities. Most ranges probably have a trap range, a skeet range and maybe even a sporting clays set-up of some sort. It also helps to feed in several different locations, at different times and only every few days. Automatic/electric Feed Trap: Firstly, they can launch multiple targets without adding clay stack. Well it could actually cost a lot more than that if legal restrictions have been put in place to tackle a pigeon problem. ... As a general rule, any wholesome, nutritious food that you and your family eat your bird can eat. But what about the casual day out at your backyard range? Is there really a law against feeding pigeons? Tuppence to feed the birds? Eating just one kind of seed will cause them to become sick and weak. It certainly would be fun for a while, but you soon would get tired of it. Try pigeon spikes. They are pretty stable, and don't really break down chemically. Professional Clay Pigeon Shooter, like a boss! Pigeons and Doves - Feeding. No matter where you live, you can get a chance to feed them by visiting cities and other urban areas. Animals can and do eat clay all the time. They are served fried with shatteringly crisp skin and a dipping bowl of seasoned salt., again, delicious. How to Feed Pigeons. Worse, you would soon have an unhealthy body and not very much pep and energy. How do you get those clay pigeons sailing through the air so you can smoke them? With the many different categories of clay pigeon shooting, there are ultimately three different core designations – trap shooting, skeet shooting, and sporting clays. I assume these birds have free reign of the city and return at feeding times. Trust me, the pigeon doesn't want to die and will take every precaution necessary in order to survive.