The country fared remarkably well, having learned from its previous experience. As of May 2010, the number of con-firmed deaths stood at 521, with 56 persons still missing (Ministry of In- terior, 2010). In early 2010 the Chilean economy was poised for a strong recovery. ... Brittany March 7, 2010 at 8:11 am. Yet, the economy rebounded in the second quarter of 2010 after a short contraction (see Chart 1). ... Won’t you please consider supporting business, tourism, and the reconstruction efforts in Chile (and yes, our business is obviously included)? ATTENTION Chile Supporter 1 - Click on "Suggest to Friends" link directly above 2 - Click on "Filter Friends" 3 - … A brief video on EPES's response to the earthquake in Chile, and its strategy towards rebuilding with the communities. Reconstruction costs were estimated to be close to US$30 billion. Governmental role in reconstruction: A Comparison of post-earthquake in 1985 and 2010 in Chile. 93 likes. Data collection after the 2010 Maule earthquake in Chile ... and after the emergency caused by the Mw 8.8 2010 Maule earthquake in central-south Chile. Chile’s comeback from the 2010 … One of the best early investments is the establishment of a joint de-cision making body, which meets predictably and follows up on all the decisions continu-ously. The Sustainable Post-tsunami Reconstruction Master Plan from Elemental led by Alejandro Aravena was developed after the 2010 earthquake and tsunami that struck Constitución, a city of 46,000 people in southern Chile. Despite the magnitude of the earthquake, Chile suffered relatively little casualty rates and property damages. Chile Earthquake February 27, 2010. Field Trip to Chile, September 2011 i ReBuilDD Field Trip September 2011 RECONSTRUCTION IN CHILE POST 2010 EARTHQUAKE Stephen Platt Rebuilding, Cerro Centinela, Talcahuano, Concepción, Chile Decades of neoliberal policy have left Chile with a skeletal state that administers social policy through targeting and outsourcing in public-private partnerships that lack coordi-nation. 8 | Haiti Earthquake Reconstruction 3. Chile earthquake of 2010 - Damage - Though damage to structures within the zone of the earthquake was likely limited by stringent building codes instituted in the wake of the 1960 earthquake and revised several times during the 1990s, many buildings still sustained … Daniel Garcias—AFP/Getty Images By June more than 50,000 provisional homes had been erected, and housing subsidies had been … The reconstruction after the 2010 earthquake and tsunami responded to the emer … The 2010 Maule, Chile Earthquake serves as a stark reminder of the earthquake and tsunami risk to those living along subduction zones—in South America, Japan, North America, and other at-risk regions worldwide.