It greatly depends on the time and place. Sep 10, 2019 Civil engineers require significant formal education. Responsibilities of Civil Engineer vs Mechanical Engineer Civil engineers and mechanical engineers create design plans for the projects they're working on. Aerospace engineers are projected to lose about 1,600 jobs or 2.3 percent. As a result, their growth rate will differ by the industries that employ them.

where engineering jobs in canada are headed Engineers Canada has an optimistic outlook on the future of the industry, projecting growth in most engineering disciplines through 2025. Electrical engineers focus on the design, testing and manufacturing of electrical components, such as motors, navigation and communications systems, and power generation, according to BLS. They work in a range of industries, including research, manufacturing, telecommunications and more. I have done much much research on both professions, I have also shadowed a nurse that I know during her job to get an idea of what nursing is about. I have interest in both engineering …

Employment Outlook for Mechanical Engineers. Job Outlook provides information about Australian careers, labour market trends and employment projections. Engineers Get Top Pay. Mechanical engineers can work in many industries and on many types of projects. Both civil and industrial engineering often include cooperative education programs, which combine coursework with practical experience in the field, allowing students to attain academic credit while gaining valuable professional knowledge. Email, with your query. An answer that's good for the U.S. does not hold for the U.K. or Germany. Hourly wages ($31.10) are above the average ($18.07), and the rate of wage growth is below average. Electrical and electronics engineering technicians may work in day or night shifts, depending on production schedules. Data was extracted, and consolidated, from the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ 2010-2020 Occupational Outlook Handbook. 3. So I am debating on whether or not to choose engineering or nursing as my major. 3. Those who were mechanical engineers, they said mechanical engineering is better while those who are electrical engineers, they said that electrical engineering is better. Job Outlook. The unemployment rate (3%) is close to the 2004 average (7%). Employment of mechanical engineers is projected to grow 9 percent from 2016 to 2026, as fast as the average for all occupations.

In general, MEs are more versatile and can stand in for many other engineering specialities.

Civil Engineer: Occupational Outlook and Career Profile. We will contact you as soon as possible. So Mechanical engineering vs Electrical engineering – the debate goes on. The job outlook for those majoring in Mechanical Engineering is bad, but the job outlook for Civil Engineers is much worse in the short term. Mar 27, 2019 Learn about the work responsibilities of an electromechanical engineer. 2020 engineering and construction industry outlook Exploring engineering and construction industry trends In 2019, the engineering and construction industry saw overall market growth despite cost pressures, labor shortages, and trends toward fixed-bid projects, which are likely to persist in the future. Contact Us. Civil engineers need a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering, in one of its specialties, or in civil engineering technology. Year after year, engineering jobs are paid the highest average starting salary.According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) engineers have a median annual wage of $91,010 and the engineering field projects to have employment growth of nearly 140,000 new jobs over the next decade.

Programs in civil engineering and civil engineering technology include coursework in math, statistics, engineering mechanics and systems, and … Job Outlook is an initiative of the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment. Three engineering occupations are projected to lose jobs from 2014 to 2024. Current Job Outlook: The job outlook for Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Chemical Engineers is considered Above Average because: 1. Electrical and electronics engineering technicians may be exposed to hazards from equipment or toxic materials, but incidents are rare if proper procedures are followed.
The job outlooks in civil engineering and industrial engineering are promising. I interviewed almost fifteen mechanical and electrical engineers before writing about this issue. Electronics engineers, except computer, are projected to lose about 1,900 jobs or 1.4 percent. Electromechanical Engineer: Job Description & Career Info.

Electrical Engineering. Employment grew at an average rate. Job outlook: Good In-demand skills: About half of Civil Engineers work in engineering firms, and employers look for candidates with technological knowledge, specific software packages and knowledge of the profession. Some careers, such as civil engineering, exhibit a 10 to 19 percent projected growth, with an estimated 50,000 or more new jobs. Work Schedules. 2. Statistics Canada highlights the need for students to stay on top of the new innovations in the industry and learn how to apply their knowledge to work.