Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Did You Know Trivia. Previous Next Start Slideshow . Lisäksi Brown on myös lainannut äänensä konsolipelien hahmoille, kuten Baron Praxisille Jak II: Renegade-pelissä ja Montrossille Star Wars: Bounty Hunter-pelissä. It does at least try to answer a question lots of space […] He is known for his live-action roles as Captain Byron Hadley in the award-winning The Shawshank Redemption; The Kurgan in the film Highlander; Brother Justin Crowe in HBO's critically acclaimed Carnivàle and Career Sergeant Zim in Starship Troopers. His previous voice work includes Mr. Krabs on the long-running cartoon, Spongebob Squarepants, as well as Savage Opress on Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Montross in Star Wars … Was hospitalized after becoming sick from the prosthetic make up he wore as Viktor in The Bride (1985). "Clancy" Brown III (born January 5, 1959) is an American actor and voice actor. Reddit-wide … Press J to jump to the feed. Clarence J. Crash Bandicoot -sarjassa Brown oli sekä Neo Cortexin (Crash 2-CNK) ja Uka Ukan (Crash 3-Twinsanity) ääni. Burg was Clancy Brown's fourth Star Wars role, but his first live action one -- he previously voiced Mandalorian villain Montross in the 2002 Bounty Hunter … log in sign up. "Clancy" Brown III (born January 5, 1959 height 6' 3½" (1,92 m)) is an American film, television and voice actor. He also voiced a Mandalorian bounty hunter and commando in the Clone Wars TV series. Clarence J. The Mandalorian has added a number of new characters to the Star Wars universe throughout Season 1. Clancy Brown, Actor: The Shawshank Redemption. The Mandalorian is nowhere near the first space western. Clarence J. User account menu • Seeing Clancy Brown as Burg makes me want to see him as a live action Savage Opress. r/clonewars: A subreddit to discuss anything about Star Wars: The Clone Wars, whether that be the two TV shows , or the event itself. Close • … The … It’s not even the first space western to wear its influences so plainly. Here is where you might recognize him from in film and on TV. Actor Clancy Brown played Burg the Devaron in The Mandalorian Chapter 6. He was reluctant to don prosthetics for his role in Highlander (1986). Brown III was born in 1959 in Urbana, Ohio, to Joyce Helen (Eldridge), a concert pianist, conductor, and … A tall, wavy-haired US actor with a deep, resonant voice, Clancy Brown has proved himself a versatile performer with first-class contributions to theater, feature films, television series and even animation.