Living (and working) in the Netherlands for EU citizens What is the aim of this publication? Employees who commit misconduct and are issued with a notification of disciplinary enquiry, commonly tender their resignation in an attempt to avoid the consequences of disciplinary action and the stigma attached to a dismissal if found guilty.

The law lists the forms of discrimination against which you can take action, including discrimination on the grounds of religion or belief, origin, sexual orientation, sex, skin colour, race, civil status, disability or chronic illness, or age. FW Act also contains a set of general protections against discriminatory or wrongful treatment which includes but is not limited to protection against dismissal on certain prohibited grounds. • That the CCMA can be approached if the complaint is not satisfactorily resolved, or if the alleged perpetrator is not satisfied with disciplinary action taken by the employer against him or her • It will be a disciplinary offence if a complainant is victimised or retaliated against for lodging a sexual harassment grievance in good faith In most cases, EU citizens do not need a residence document or work permit. If you cannot find the answer to your question on this website, please contact the Public Information Service. Do you want to live (and work) in the Netherlands?

Taking action against discrimination.

If you feel that you have been discriminated against, you can take various steps. You also guarantee that this foreign national will leave the Netherlands at the appointed time.

Member States should, in the context of establishing effective mechanisms to facilitate complaints and if not already provided for by national legislation, consider the possibility and added value of enabling a competent authority to bring proceedings against an employer …

You can read about the following in this publication: • whether you will need a residence document or work permit;

Withal, whenever establishing a probation period, permanence agreement or a complementary hours agreement, the employer must set up these kinds of agreements in writing pursuant to Articles 14.1, 12.5 a) and 21.4 of the WS. If the matter cannot be resolved with the employer, the employee can take a complaint to the Workplace Relations Commission and, in certain cases, to the Circuit … provides information on Dutch central government policy. an employer cannot dismiss a worker on the basis of redundancy without first considering opportunities for redeployment.

You can reach the Public Information Service by phone and via e-mail, Twitter, WhatsApp and Facebook.