Well, talk about lexical ambiguity. To enjoy the CBBC Newsround website at its best you will need to have JavaScript turned on. You might think that using big, fancy words will make you sound smart, but it can actually have the complete opposite effect. The two instances of “had had” play different grammatical roles in the sentences—the first is a modifier while the second is the main verb of the sentence. For example, some politicians will throw out some big words and fancy sentences to confuse people what he or she really mean. I’ll start… When I went to the vet to get my dog neutered (I had to because of a condition he had), the vet made a mistake that made me think she was stupid.


Should those words continue with a vestigial assignment for the future, then you’ve just helped other people become a little dumber and yourself a little less with the ability to express. 13 fancy words to use to boggle people's minds.
Big words, business jargon, and hyperbole intended to pump up your language only have the opposite affect. I did a video about it here.

I'm writing a classification essay about the ways of boring people and one of my categories is the use of big words, so for my introduction I want to use a random sentence using big words. Last updated at 09:57. But as strange as this sentence might sound, it is actually grammatically correct. 1000 Vocabulary Words With Meaning And Sentence Pdf Download .

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This Site Might Help You. RE: I need a sentence with A LOT of large, complicated words?!? to represent difficult but common words .. Chapter 5 English Words and Sentences . That's why I need your help with this! Check yourself before using any of these.

More word lists and tips at Page 1 of 5 Advanced vocabulary development Ages 16+ PSAT 9 SAT 9 GRE 9 Word list 1. What big words do you see people use that they should eliminate from their language? The sentence relies on a double use of the past perfect.
Learn the big words and use the big words or fear their extinction.

and example sentences for JLPT N4 vocabulary (Download . I'm wondering if there's a word, phrase, or idiom to describe the action of deliberately confusing people by using complex sentences.

2 Aug 2017 2 August 2017. :) Whilst in English class today the teacher was articulating his opinion on a rather monotonous poem when he did wallow upon the delivery of a word. What would you replace them with? I can't do that much. At 10/15/04 03:26 PM, Toxygen wrote: Can anyone make a really complex and confusing sentence with a lot of big words that actually makes sense?