A port of Double Dragon IV has been announced for North America, Europe, and Japan. The next entry in the side-scrolling action game series Double Dragon is finally here! Double Dragon IV is set to release on the Nintendo Switch September 7 for $6.99, Arc System Works has revealed. Feb 7, 2017 6:34pm Arc System Works is helping the Nintendo Switch’s digital library expand. Released thirty years since the original was on the NES, it was released for the PS4 and Xbox One in January, and then for Switch … by Patrick Coffman (ThePatrick at GameFAQs) coffman (underscore) patrick (at) yahoo (dot) com @hatoriki on Twitter Hatoriki and Hatoriki_kai on PlayStation Network Version 1.01 (10/12/2017) - Fixed various move properties and damages, most notably what is and isn't invulnerable. Double Dragon IV - Rooftop Helicopter Beatdown Gameplay Take a look at this classic Double Dragon gameplay where we get into a fight on a roof, helicopter included. Plus great forums, game help and a special question and answer system. I enjoyed my time with Double Dragon 4, it looks, sounds and plays exactly how I remember it back when I was a kid. The addition of new modes, being able to customize the controls and fun local multiplayer will make this one I most certainly will break out when friends are over. Registration allows you to keep track of all your content and comments, save bookmarks, and post in all our forums. Lo storico picchiaduro arriva su Switch. Good news for fans of beat 'em up, and especially those of the legendary Double Dragon series: Double Dragon IV is headed to the Nintendo Switch next week! Double Dragon IV for PS4, PC and etc. The story picks up after the elimination of the Shadow Warriors in Double Dragon II! Use the art of Sou-Setsu-Ken to rescue the kidnapped Marian! Find all our Double Dragon IV Cheats for Switch. Feb 7, 2017 6:34pm Case in point goes to Double Dragon IV. For Double Dragon IV on the Nintendo Switch, GameFAQs has 1 FAQ (game guide/walkthrough), 2 reviews, and 2 critic reviews. Experience all-new exhilarating action with the original old-school graphics! Double Dragon IV Cheats and Cheat Codes, Switch. is characteristic for its two-dimensional graphics and simple, pixel art visuals, a style reminiscent of its predecessors, known as being one of the reasons for the growth of beat ‘em up genre. The next entry in the side-scrolling action game series Double Dragon is finally here! Double Dragon IV - Rooftop Helicopter Beatdown Gameplay Take a look at this classic Double Dragon gameplay where we get into a fight on a roof, helicopter included. Il nuovo episodio delle avventure con protagonisti i fratelli Billy e Jimmy Lee, Double Dragon IV è disponibile da oggi anche per Nintendo Switch, acquistabile attraverso l’eShop.Vi proponiamo, qua sotto, oltre al trailer di lancio, anche un video gameplay realizzato dal canale YouTube ShiryuGL. Infatti è stato recentemente annunciato che Double Dragon IV, nuovo capitolo della celebre serie uscita moltissimi anni fa, che sarà disponibile per la console ibrida di Nintendo a partire dal prossimo 9 settembre. Despite taking its artistic inspiration from the console version, Double Dragon 4 takes pages straight out of the book of ‘80s quarter-munchers, which is to say: it’s cheap as all hell. Everyone wants a sequel to their game from their childhood, and sometimes a sequel happens to a series that no-one really asked for.