Ironically the gates of Heaven are never shut. The 12 gates surround the holy city and are in groups of three outside the northern, southern, eastern and western portions of heaven. Nearly 2,000 years ago, Jesus Christ stood on this hillside overlooking the Old City making prophecies that would change the world. But, did you know that the East Gate also had four other names? It appears some have taken the angels statement to the disciples that Jesus would return as he left (Acts 1:11) as indicating that he would come down to the same spot. Question: "What is the significance of the twelve gates in Revelation 21?" and Tiyuguan Rd. Why is it called the Messiah's gate? This is the only gate in the Old Jerusalem city wall that leads directly into the temple area. Why do we visit the Eastern Wall, Golden Gate on our walks through the Bible? This is the only gate that was sanctified, setting it apart as a special gate. According to the Book of Revelation in the Christian Bible, the 12 gates of heaven are the passageways through which some individuals may enter heaven and live with God after death. Note that the sheep gate had no locks or bars, for the door of salvation is ever open to the sinner. The Dung Gate is the smallest of the gates of Jerusalem, possessing the lowest archway and built into the south walls. The supplies for the many vendors along the road to the summit are carried up by porters either from the Midway Gate to Heaven or all the way up from the foot of the mountain. The present gate was probably built in the 520s AD, as part of Justinian I's building program in Jerusalem, on top of the ruins of the earlier gate in the wall. Therefore they knew not the Messiah upon the occasion of his visitation unto them 2000 years ago. “The Golden Gate is located on the eastern side of Jerusalem’s old city wall, thus one of names it is known by is an Eastern Gate. The Messiah's gate is another name for the Eastern Gate of the Old City walls of Jerusalem. Question: "What is the significance of the Eastern Gate of Jerusalem?" The shutting of the Eastern Gate of Jerusalem is symbolic of the fact that Israel shut the gate to God by the folly of their pursuit of other gods. As mentioned previously, the Eastern gate was ultimately sealed shut in 1541 by the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman. The stone sealing the eastern gate, having fallen before him, Michael will pass through its portals and call out the command. It faces the of Mount of Olives right across the Kidron valley. Whether it be those who couldn’t have children, those struggling in the middle of a storm, those needing forgiveness, those going through sorrow, those being intimidated, those needing to hear the gospel, those in the nastiest of places, the New Testament provides many examples of people who received grace and mercy in their time of need. The old walled city has eight gates, and the Eastern Gate, and it alone, is sealed — just as prophesied in Ezekiel 44. Answer: The twelve gates in Revelation 21 belong to the New Jerusalem, which comes down from heaven to the new earth (verse 10), shining with the glory of God (verse 11).John describes the city: “It had a great, high wall with twelve gates, and with twelve angels at the gates. The climbing from the First Gate to Heaven (yi1 tian1 men2), the main entrance bordering on Tai'an town, up the entire mountain can take two and a half hours for the sprinting hiker to six hours for the leisure pace.