03 2.1 When will focus groups be useful 04 3.What are you trying to find out? Focus groups are traditionally carried out face to face, but online focus groups through web chat and online forums are becoming increasingly popular and more cost effective for businesses. The curriculum and intended learning outcomes .
How to run focus groups Co-funded by the European Union Solutions for equality and growth. 8 Reminders for Good Questions Richard Kruegar and Mary Anne Casey1 propose 8 reminders for “Good Questions” in focus groups. They can be conducted with different numbers of people according to your needs, with many businesses opting to use mini focus groups to get quick answers to their research questions. 1. 05 4.Why and when would you use a focus group? My Top Ten Tips below can’t guarantee great groups on their own, but they will go a long way to address common pitfalls such as: • losing focus, • ceding control of the group, • running out of time, • discussions that go off track. Put together a statement and/or focus group facilitator talking points that explains in detail what outcome you expect to achieve through the focus group. Where it is necessary and/or helpful to hold a focus group to ascertain the views of a cross-section of students from across the subject, the following questions can be used: a. TEN TOP TIPS FOR GREAT FOCUS GROUPS There’s no doubt that great focus groups require meticulous planning. Questionnaires surveys and focus groups Top 20 questions that research could help you answer Market research can give you insight into your market, your competitors, your products, your marketing and your customers. (Kruegar, Casey 2000 p. 40-43) Good questions, they say: • Sound conversational • Use words participants would use • Are easy to understand • Are clear • Are short To set-up the focus groups for this purpose, you could use what is known as a "funnel" design. Prior to conducting your focus group, develop a session outline and specific questions to be discussed. Questions for student focus groups . Focus Groups are an effective method for producing a more inclusive feasibility study and allow you to reach out to many more constituents than would ordinarily be …

Topics to be covered are drawn from the following list. Contents 1.Introduction: 03 1.1 Who is this guide for 03 1.2 What is in this guide 03 2.What is a focus group? Asking the best focus group questions will garner an additional layer of insights above and beyond your feasibility study interviews. Introduction to Conducting Focus Groups, by NOAA Coastal Services Center, is a comprehensive introduction to key elements and practices that will increase the success of a focus group effort. This begins with broad, open-ended questions that let …