If you are a devotee of all things Giraffe, your life will not be complete without a trip to Giraffe Manor. Giraffe Manor is an experience which could not be equalled. ! Giraffe Manor, Nairobi, Kenya. Loved every minute, amazing room, great food. Even if you are only moderately interested, the ability to interact closely with giraffes, feed them from your hand and observe them closely will enchant you. No. Giraffe manor, a remarkable experience. An agent will be in contact shortly. The Safari Collection owns and operates a portfolio of luxury boutique camps and lodges in Kenya's finest locations. ... With new life comes hope that the Rothchild's giraffe populations will continue to increase and we can journey closer to them no longer being threatened as a species. Country of Residence. The Giraffe Manor estate is home to a herd of Rothschild Giraffes that regularly visit the manor house in search of treats. By choosing to stay at one or more of our properties, you can explore the diverse landscape and culture that Kenya has to offer. Telephone Number. A visit though that I am glad I did at the beginning of my holiday as although they say the giraffe are wild, you really can't call it wild if you can feed it pellets from your mouth (kissing it), not as repulsive as it sounds!! I had a ball. Last Name. Nairobi's most iconic boutique hotel. Thank you. of days. First Name. Your enquiry could not be sent. Approximate Departure. Email Address. Giraffe Manor the safari collection house is within easy reach of popular attractions, this unique hotel accommodates a small group of guests. ... 2019. The service level is wonderful without being intrusive. Jump to. Giraffe Manor. Your enquiry has been sent successfully! Giraffe Manor is a small hotel in the Lang'ata suburb of Nairobi, Kenya which, together with its associated Giraffe Centre, serves as a home to a number of endangered Rothschild's giraffes, and operates a breeding programme to reintroduce breeding pairs back into the wild to secure the future of the subspecies. Comments or Questions. City. 45K likes.