The key to making high-speed photos with a flash is that the output power of the flash can be adjusted and the lower the power, the shorter the duration of the flash. Recently I’ve been doing some experiments with high speed flash photography and wanted to share the method I used with my readers here. Step 6: Ballistic Setup. Video tutorials to help you with your flash photography . How to Use High-Speed Sync. So, how do you get around this problem and shoot at faster shutter speeds? Here’s everything you need to know. The success of high-speed photography largely depends upon how quickly the film is exposed to light. High-speed photography is the science of taking pictures of very fast phenomena. The speedlight flash at low power level is extremely fast and quick, occurring during that longer shutter time. The faster your shutter speed is, the darker the ambient light will get. The first thing that high-speed sync allows you to do is to overpower the sun. Step 5: Putting It All Together. High-speed sync means that you can use a shutter speed that is much faster than the typical DSLR flash sync speeds of 1/250th or less. High Speed Flash Photography Step 1: Tools and Materials. Step 4: Making the Makescreens. High-speed sync allows photographers to use a flash at high shutter speeds, perfect for outdoor portraits or any time you need flash and a fast shutter. That’s a huge claim, but it’s true. Because of this, many high-speed objects are photographed in complete darkness. Here is a full explanation. Step 3: External Reset and Trigger. A flash in high-speed sync acts similar to a constant light. This allows you to work with both faster shutter speeds and wider aperture settings in situations that still need higher shutter speeds. The basic idea of high speed flash photography is that the ambient exposure (shutter speed) can be long and slow, so long as its result is too dim to show any blur. In 1948, the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) defined high-speed photography as any set of photographs captured by a camera capable of 69 frames per second or greater, and of at least three consecutive frames. 2. Take one look at my portfolio and you will see that I shoot a lot of flash photography. Step 2: Carefully Disassemble the Camera. High speed sync, or Auto FP sync, allows you to use shutter speeds faster than the sync speed by extending the length of the flash pulses long enough for it to appear across the whole of the picture. This is where you see flash power reduce over higher shutter speeds. I hope this article’s simplicity really brings this element of flash photography home – high-speed flash sync allows us to use a faster shutter speed, and hence wider aperture, and this in turn gives us to freeze movement better, and to get shallowed depth-of-field. First, you need a light source other … As a former SLR shooter, I am used to a very high speed of operation and an optical viewfinder that allows me to get a clear view of my scene as long as there is light around.