Engineers make society function. So be sure to read about these steps when considering undergraduate studies in Mechanical Engineering.
You will be well off. Engineering pays well, but in order to really earn a lot of money you need to either: 1) Start your own engineering firm - and be succesful. According to Glassdoor data, mechanical engineers’ salary falls within the $57,000-$106,000 range.
Re: How to get rich as an engineer? Of course, not everyone who completes that credential will start with a seven-figure salary, but many of the world’s successful entrepreneurs have an engineering background. Engineers make society function.

Learn about educational requirements and how to get into a college engineering program. Employment of mechanical engineers by state, May 2017. Greater Boston Area Mechanical or Industrial Engineering Before we dive into the steps that will help you become a successful mechanical engineer, let's look at what Mechanical Engineering really is and what you can expect during your studies.

How to Be a Successful Engineer. Image: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. 2) Work your way up in a company and get into a management position - this means you would work more with people and less with the engineering side.

You will never get rich as long as you are an employee.

They design our roads, our transit, our communications, our lives – you could say there's an engineer behind everything in your life. Yes mech engg are rich in no. Ha! Takes some luck and entrepreneurial skill.

If you are just starting out, you are likely to be laid off a number of times, move several times and use up your savings, and eventually stop getting raises while new people are … Not only can engineers expect to become millionaires, but most of the world’s millionaires actually have engineering degrees. Post Sat May 21, 2011 5:43 pm I have changed my degree to Mechanical Engineering with Renewable Energy as i think that, that is where the money will be! Mech.

I am turning 60 and don't make near that much.

They design our roads, our transit, our communications, our lives – you could say there's an engineer behind everything in your life. They work in a variety of disciplines including civil, environmental, chemical, mechanical, electrical and petroleum engineering.Do you want to know how to become an engineer? How to Be a Successful Engineer. Earning the bachelor’s degree that the job requires can be rigorous. Engineering is a lucrative profession.

Engineers use their knowledge of scientific and mathematical principles to solve technical problems. are rich in terms of real time problem solving.Give a mechanical engineer any problem related to any field I am sure he will be able to provide solution to it. What is Mechanical Engineering? How Much Does a Mechanical Engineer Make?

Not a bad salary or growth prospects, but there are always ways for mechanical engineers to increase their salaries.