1. For a while, the only way to sell products on Instagram was through the link in your profile. This feature allows Instagram business profiles to feature products via posts, and is a clear example of how to use Instagram to sell. As of March 2018, shoppable Instagram now allows users to click on products displayed in a photo or story. Everyone wants to know how to make money on Instagram. Create an Instagram Store Depending on your unique brand of Instagram content, your audience, and your level of commitment, you can make money on Instagram in the following ways: Work with brands on sponsored posts; Become an affiliate; Open your own online store; Sell … Instagram is the perfect place to promote a sale, new product launch, or discount code exclusively to your followers. When an Instagram user sees a post with a small shopping bag icon, they can tap on it to get additional information about the featured item(s). Or maybe you’re already using an e-commerce shop, but you want to make it easier for your customers to purchase your products. Shoppable posts on Instagram are designated with a little shopping bag icon. How to make money on Instagram in 2020. It's a pretty new service but something to take a look at if you are into creative photography. Here’s what you need to know to get started and turn your old clothing into cash. Sell organically: It doesn’t always look or feel great to add prices and sales pitches to beautiful lifestyle images. Use Instagram’s Shoppable Posts to Sell Directly in Posts. This feature allows Instagram business profiles to feature products via posts, and is a clear example of how to use Instagram to sell. We’re all on it all day anyways—usually spending money instead of earning it. Usually the process takes a few days, but sometimes it can take longer. Another one is MobilePrints, which allow you to create print versions of photos on Instagram (or your mobile phone) in different sizes. In other words, if your products are photogenic, most likely you can sell them with Instagram. Social Tradia provides you the best infrastructure to sell your Instagram account. One might say the downside to selling your stuff on Instagram is that you actually have to be on the app answering questions and confirming orders in DM constantly. In the past few years, Instagram’s endless feed of gorgeous photos has evolved into something between a glossy magazine, your best friend’s taste, and a … Brand Your Artist Page” to resume your reading. Also, if you’re photogenic yourself or can take awesome photos, most likely you can have a huge following that can be capitalized to sell. When an Instagram user sees a post with a small shopping bag icon, they can tap on it to get additional information about the featured item(s). In general, there are at least 5 business models to make money on Instagram… Open the Instagram application on your mobile device. If you want to use your current personal account as your Artist Page on Instagram instead, you can skip to the next section of this article titled “1. Follow the steps to make sure everything is all good to go and to submit your account for review. But there are other features that allow you to sell Instagram photos as well. How Customers Shop With Instagram Shoppable Posts. It’s a natural fit for eCommerce stores: 1. Once a user clicks on a product, they are directed to a page with descriptive product copy and a call-to-action (CTA). FREE listing! We will present the account to the potential clients and get back to you as soon as we receive an offer. 2. If that’s you, then Instagram is the […] There are plenty of ways to use Instagram as a platform to make more sales. 1. Want to sell clothes online, but worried about the commissions you’ll pay on any sales through consignment sites? 3. Are you hoping to sell products online, but you don’t want to deal with the hassle that comes with setting up and using an e-commerce shop? How to Sell With Instagram Shoppable Posts: Shopping on Instagram by Jenn Herman on Social Media Examiner. Instagram DM, or direct messages, is another way to share the product link with your customers and let them buy your product. Sell Products Through Instagram’s Direct Messages. Selling Instagram Accounts Just Got Easier! This wikiHow teaches you how to use your Instagram account to sell products online. Now if selling your Instagram photos turns out not to be your cup of tea, no worries.