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Oral communication is the process of expressing ideas through the medium of speech and this plays a crucial role in the life of students. The importance of oral communication should be no different than the necessity of math, reading, or writing. It is the glue that puts all the components of a language together. If the employee cannot communicate effectively, his or her needs may go unnoticed and he or she may be blamed for miscommunication and not following instructions. Importance of Oral Communication Skills in the Workplace Oral communication is an important means of communicating in business, academic settings and elsewhere. To develop strong presentation skills, you need to … 17 diciembre, 2015 17 diciembre, 2015. The goal of learning a language is to communicate. Oral communication is the process of expressing information or ideas by word of mouth. 4 thoughts on “ The Importance of Oral Communication ” madiblac460 says: May 1, 2017 at 5:28 pm I agree that oral communication is defiantly an essential skill and it is great to learn it at such a young age. Importance of oral communication even plays vital role in developing business and when the message which you wants to covey if reaches perfectly, your half of the work is i would like to share the effective communication model The communication model Oral and written communication skills are critical in the workplace. Oral communication is important in business mainly because it provides transparency among team members. Any interaction that makes use of spoken words is considered as verbal communication. Tailor your message to your audience and use the right communication medium. in business communication, listening is very important .It is because through listening it … Oral communication is the art of using speech to convey information, thoughts and feelings to others and it is the key to improve interpersonal and professional relationships. I agree that oral communication is defiantly an essential skill and it is great to learn it at such a young age. Be sure to always have a goal in mind for your communication. Oral communication skills are fundamental to the development of literacy and essential for thinking and learning. Teaching oral communication in schools is becoming more infrequent. Importance of listening in oral communication? The major components of communication are verbal communication or oral communication and non-verbal communication. Valued in the workplace. Communication skills are among the intangible skill sets most valued by employers. Oral communication is time-saving as far as daily interactions are concerned, but in case of meetings, long speeches consume lot of time and are unproductive at times. It is an integral part of the business world. All students will benefit from strong oral communication skills in their future years at school, as well as in their future career someday. Children must be confident in their speaking abilities because many careers require this skill. Oral communication also deals with working with others.