Why Planning is Important? Much of urban planning is based on a combined knowledge of architecture, economics, human relations, and engineering. Now let's understand why planning is important for organization: Increases efficiency: Planning makes optimum utilization of all available resources. Greater synergy should exist between the planning system and building regulations for the purposes of encouraging new housing development. For this reason, there are numerous theories on the development of slums and the occurrence of urban decay. Urban population altitudes are envisaged to reach 60% in the next 30 years and the majority of this population influx is expected to occur in developing countries. The Importance Of Urban Planning And Management 1668 Words | 7 Pages. Mexico City, 21 August 2014--"Urban planning is an important source of development and a tool for reducing inequality," UN-Habitat Executive Director Dr. Joan Clos has stressed. Here are 7 reasons justifying the importance … Discussed below are top ten benefits of planning. It helps to reduce the wastage of valuable resources and avoids their duplication. Importance of Planning. In an address at the opening of the twenty-third assembly of the General Assembly of Ministers of Housing and Urban Development of Latin America and the Caribbean (known by its Spanish … ADVERTISEMENTS: Some of the main aims of Urban Planning are as follows: The urban centres in India are experiencing rapid growth of population, particularly in the post-independence era. The industrial progress has resulted in the increase of population density in the urban areas and integration of … The importance of plannings cannot be overemphasized for an organization or even for an individual.From the start of a small business, to managing a large business, from starting your own career, to the last stages of your working life, planning will be the most important tool that you use in marketing. The term urban planning refers to the attempt to control the character and location of housing, industry, and recreational developments according to a preconceived pattern or design.Such designs are thought necessary in the context of urban development because of the externalities or third-party effects associated with the close contiguity of urban life. Planning system should ensure that holistic view is maintained based on local concerns and circumstances in the process of delivering sustainable homes and communities. Urban planning, design and regulation of the uses of space that focus on the physical form, economic functions, and social impacts of the urban environment and on the location of different activities within it. Slums, defined as overcrowded, run down sections of a city occupied by people in the lowest socioeconomic bracket, are often … If by importance you mean the objective and purpose of urban development then here are few : 1. The primary reason for population growth is industrial progress.