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High level: initiation into a higher lifestyle. The Jupiter card of the Ace of Spades is the Jack of hearts, which means they take great pleasure in giving selflessly of themselves. Spades rule 49 birthdays. Jack of Spade is the 50th card in the deck. Jack of Spades have a gift of handling people and can depend on the loyalty from employees. With a tremendous potential of willpower, they are the ones who can accept responsibilities and work through any issues to a successful completion. Spades will not allow anyone to be in control of their life. Jack Of Spades In Saturn You Are In Your Saturn Period! They store in them such a tremendous wealth of knowledge they naturally turn into teaching, writing, or speaking. Spades will not allow anyone to be in control of their life. You dealt the Jack of Spades! Eight of Clubs♣, Nine of Hearts♥, Jack of Hearts♥ and King of Spades… A Jack describes a person — either the person you are thinking about, a person very involved with the situation, or someone new entering your life in the near future. The ruling … They have one of the most fortunate life paths in terms of money and success and usually enjoy the work they do. They give out sincerely, and they are always rewarded greatly. They need to overcome their immaturity. Ace Of Spades The Ace of Spades birth card called "The Key To The Mystery Of Life," the most spiritual card in the deck. The Jack of Spades indicates a young person who may be negative or jealous. Watch out for dishonest male. Love Oracle Answer: Jack of Spades. You Might Also Like. March 23, April 21, June 19 July 15, August 13, September 11, October 9, November 7. Saturn Jack of spades Astronomical Cards by Hodges England PlayingCardsTop1000 Tags: Astronomical Cards by Hodges deck, English playing cards. The firmness in the Jack of Spades and adherence to principle are well worthy of emulation, but the Ten of Clubs can go astray through stubbornness. Its ruling planets are Saturn and Uranus. Jack Of Spades Basic Meaning: Card of the highest creativity, sometimes said to be the card of the actor, thief, on a higher level - the card of the spiritual initiate. As a rule, people who born Jack of Clubs have this gift to an extraordinary degree. The Jack of Clubs wins their crown through the spoken word. High level: initiation into a higher lifestyle. Saturn rules the responsibilities, restrictions and limitations we are apt to encounter, and the lessons we must learn in life. A Jack describes a person — either the person you are thinking about, a person very involved with the situation, or someone new entering your life in the near future. Safeguard your personal property. The Ace of Spades is one of the most ancient symbols for death and transformation, as well as deep spiritual truth. The Spades suit governs 49 birthdays in the year. There may be a playful quality to the King of Diamonds♦ throughout life from this Jack’s placement: both responsible and a rogue all rolled into one. Jack of Spades is a fixed card and one of the unaltered principles. ... — Saturn … Watch out for dishonest male. Underlying/Overlying cards for Jack of Hearts is Jack of Hearts, as it is a fixed card. Apollo – King of clubs Astronomical Cards by Hodges England 24th October 2018 . You dealt the Jack of Spades! Olney Richmond stated that while Saturn rules the Spades from the standpoint of death and rebirth, Uranus rules from the standpoint of labor. Jack Of Spades Basic Meaning: Card of the highest creativity, sometimes said to be the card of the actor, thief, on a higher level - the card of the spiritual initiate. Safeguard your personal property. … Some famous Jack of Spade people include Mel Gibson, Victoria Principal, Lisa Marie Presley, and Boris Yeltsin. Entering this Saturn-ruled cycle with an Ace of Spades as my primary card, I feel the significance of what this period will bring. Birthday Card Three of Spades: Artisan Characteristics: While they have a heavy burden as can be seen in their Saturn line, huge success is possible for the Three of Spades with hard work as part of their lives. Jack Of Spades Basic Meaning: Card of the highest creativity, sometimes said to be the card of the actor, thief, on a higher level - the card of the spiritual initiate.