Our journal content offers the highest number of article citations (40%) than any other publisher in the Optics category of the 2017 Journal Citation Reports ® (Clarivate Analytics, 2018). The Journal of the Optical Society of America A (JOSA A) is devoted to developments in any field of classical optics, image science, and vision. With more than 370,000 articles from 19 publications as well as conference papers from 775 conferences, OSA Publishing covers a breadth of disciplines. Status Publisher Keeper From To Updated Extent of archive; Archived. The purpose is to have a forum in which general doubts about the processes of publication in the journal, experiences and other issues derived from the publication of papers are resolved.
It emphasizes research on the fundamentals of the interaction of radiation with matter such as quantum optics, nonlinear optics, and laser physics. We are maintaining business operations and delivering services in all program areas virtually to ensure our community continues to receive high-quality content. The users of Scimago Journal & Country Rank have the possibility to dialogue through comments linked to a specific journal. Scilit is a centralized platform for all published research literature, articles with a DOI or in PubMed are indexed within hours Optical Society of America. The Optical Society (OSA) is committed to providing the support and resources our members and customers expect from us to be safe and informed during the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. Journal description.
Portico. It was known as Journal of the Optical Society of America and Review of Scientific Instruments from 1922 to 1929. The Journal of the Optical Society of America B (JOSA B) is a general optics research journal that complements JOSA A. Journal of the Optical Society of America by Optical Society of America . The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America is the leading source of sound research, serving physical scientists, life scientists, engineers, psychologists, physiologists, architects, musicians, and speech communication specialists.
The journal of American health care Micromachines The Southern journal of philosophy Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems Fungal genetics reports Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research Clinical psychological science 2007. Journal of the Optical Society of America All Issues Showing 72 Volumes The Journal of the Optical Society of America (JOSA 1917–1983) is available in its entirety — starting with the 1917 inaugural issue — through OSA Publishing. The Journal of the Optical Society of America A (JOSA A) is devoted to developments in any field of classical optics, image science, and vision.
Journal of the Optical Society of America began in 1917. The Journal of the Optical Society of America B (JOSA B) is a general optics research journal that complements JOSA A. (There is a Wikipedia article about this serial.) Based on 2018, SJR is 1.176. Selecting this option will search all publications across the Scitation platform Selecting this option will search all publications for the Publisher/Society … View the most cited articles, historical editorials, and much more. The Journal of the Optical Society of America celebrates OSA's Centennial. The scientific journal Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision is included in the Scopus database.