The burned dinner that sent them out to eat unexpectedly one evening. Going Out After the Death of a Spouse Having a social life on your own can be tough. Forgetting groceries. I’m new to this but I lost my husband unexpectedly on March 13,2019 he got sick all of sudden we thought it was the flu because it was during flu season and everyone was sick so we went to the clinic and he got medication but taking it after a week he … I lost my person But I also I felt so jealous of him, thinking of all the years he'd had, the photo albums, the kids and grandkids and greatgrandkids, the boring dull stuff, the long car rides, the blown tire and bickering about forgetting to put the spare back in the trunk. I want my David back. He was all … Think about setting aside items like a special piece of clothing, watch, favorite book, or picture to give to your children or grandchildren as personal reminders of your spouse. Sadly, as it turns out, women becoming widows at young age happens more often than you'd think. These issues go beyond having to handle their grief since the surviving spouse may need immediate help handling basic day-to-day responsibilities. Because couples function as a team, the death of a spouse can present a complicated set of difficulties for the bereaved person. Ask your children or others to help. We who have lost a spouse will never ever have that spouse again as there are no marriages in heaven if there is such a place. Or, “I don’t know how you feel, but I know how sad I felt when I lost my husband, and I want you to know I am here for you if you want to talk.” Let your friend know that if at times their grief and pain get too heavy, you will be there for them.