Bligh, however, was a skilled navigator and managed to sail them nearly 4000 miles to Timor, in the Dutch East Indies. The ship makes calls on several islands during its journey to Tahiti, and, meanwhile, conditions aboard the ship begin to deteriorate. What drove the men to take such a remarkable step? The mutiny on the ship HMS Bounty in 1788 is one of the most famous sea dramas in history.. The exact cause of the mutiny is unclear, but the captain’s harsh and brutal treatment of his men has been offered as a possible explanation; that said, conditions on-board ships in those days were very hard. By Salvatore R. Mercogliano, Ph.D. – In the annals of maritime history and popular culture, the Mutiny on the Bounty holds a lofty place and remains relevant even today. With Charles Laughton, Clark Gable, Franchot Tone, Herbert Mundin. Directed by Frank Lloyd. Mutiny on the Bounty is a 1935 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer drama film directed by Frank Lloyd and starring Charles Laughton and Clark Gable, based on the Charles Nordhoff and James Norman Hall novel Mutiny on the Bounty.. Much has already been written on the subject of the Mutiny on the Bounty, the events & causes leading up to it, the fallout after the fact, and the perilous journey thrust upon Capt Bligh and the loyalists cast adrift. If the mutiny failed and they were caught, they'd be tried and, if convicted, hanged. Captain Bligh and loyal crew members turned adrift from the Bounty (by Robert Dodd). With Charles Laughton, Clark Gable, Franchot Tone, Herbert Mundin. The cast of characters are well known: chiefly William Bligh, the cruel ship’s captain who fell foul of a mutiny led by Fletcher Christian, the sensitive master’s mate. This is Mutiny… Mutiny, I Say! April 14, 2020 by Sal Mercogliano HMS Bounty was a royal Navy Vessel which left England in 1787 on a mission to collect and transport breadfruit plants from Tahiti to the West Indies. But now a mutiny was in progress — the sailors were taking control from the ship's captain, a truly heinous act by the standards of the time (or any standards, before or since). A tyrannical ship captain decides to exact revenge on his abused crew after they form a mutiny against him, but the sailor he targets had no hand in it. But now a mutiny was in progress — the sailors were taking control from the ship's captain, a truly heinous act by the standards of the time (or any standards, before or since). Directed by Frank Lloyd. by Douglas O. Linder. The Court-Martial of the Bounty Mutineers: An Account. The Maritime Lore Behind President Trump’s ‘Mutiny on the Bounty’ Tweet. The Bounty, the ship itself, is also quite something else. The mutiny on the Bounty: Around dawn, Bligh is seized while sleeping by a gang of mutineers. This was the Mutiny on the Bounty. Food rots, the crew suspects Bligh of hoarding food for himself, and several men are accused of stealing. What drove the men to take such a … The true story of the the 1789 mutiny on the Bounty is far more complicated than suggested by film versions of the event, which have emphasized the gratuitous cruelty of the ship's captain, William Bligh. Mutiny on the HMS Bounty Three weeks into a journey from Tahiti to the West Indies, the HMS Bounty is seized in a mutiny led by Fletcher Christian, the master’s mate. Sunk: The Incredible Truth About a Ship That Never Should Have Sailed When the Bounty went down during Hurricane Sandy, millions watched on TV as … Plot – William Bligh is the captain of the British Bounty ship, which navigates the oceans at the end of '700.