Because it is the final digit, it represents the conclusion of a matter. He said, “Have the Israelites celebrate the Passover at the appointed time. The use of the number 9 (nine) as a numerical symbol in Scripture is unique and somewhat diverse, … These groups delve into the dangerous realm of divination. BTW again - someone notes 9 is an upside down 6 in our notation. Numbers 9:8 "Wait here until I hear what the LORD commands concerning you," Moses replied. It is the last number of finalization and is therefore considered as the most complex and the number marking the full lighting up of numerical series. A person with a 9 in a prominent numerology chart position, especially in the destiny or life path position, generally is focused as much or more on the welfare of humanity than on the welfare of its own existence. Well try 6x6 = 36 = 3+6 = 9 again. The number nine appears prominently in Scripture as the number of judgment and finality. The use of the number 9 (nine) as a numerical symbol in Scripture is unique and somewhat diverse, but there are two striking verses; the nine FRUITS or the nine GIFTS of the spirit. Number 9 is mentioned in the Bible, but not too often as some other numbers. The number 5 symbolizes God's grace, goodness and favor toward humans and is mentioned 318 times in Scripture. Nine is the ultimate which contains the forces of all other numbers. The biblical number 9 was taken as sacred in Greece and Egypt as well. When you walk with the Holy Spirit you receive 9 fruits: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and … THE NUMBER 9 is the largest digit. By the way 999 is the number of the beast. Such attribution has led some groups to mystical and theological extremes, believing numbers can reveal the future or uncover hidden information. Angel number 9 is a symbol of finality or divine completeness in the bible. 9x9x9 is 729 which is 7+2 = 9 plus 9 = 18 which is 1+8 = 9. Jesus died on the 9th hour of the day and his death is what allowed salvation for others. Bible numerology code number 10. For example, Christ is said to have died on the ninth hour of the day. The number nine appears 49 times in the Bible and is used to symbolize divine completeness or finality. It means that God completed his creation and all his promises. Numbers 9:10 "Tell the Israelites: When any one of you or your descendants is unclean because of a dead body, or is away on a journey, he may still observe the Passover to the LORD. Angel Number 9 – Its meaning as the number of Universal Love . The number of finality or judgment is committed unto Jesus as “the Son of man” (John 5:27; Acts 17:31). Numbers 9 - NIV: The LORD spoke to Moses in the Desert of Sinai in the first month of the second year after they came out of Egypt. In general, THE NUMBER 9 is the largest and last digit correlating “finality” and completeness. Most of the religions maintain numbers carry hidden meanings which are supposed to carry the secrets of universe. It marks the end and issue of all things as to man — the judgment of man and all his works (Bible Study). Posted by Padre on January 5, 2018 Angel numbers are numbers that can’t be classified as ordinary numbers. It use as a numerical symbol in Scripture is relatively rare and somewhat diverse, so many commentators have found it difficult to establish its meaning. Having the properties of being brought to you by the angels, gives these numbers an essence of the angels themselves. Conservative scholars remain cautious about assigning too much importance to the meaning of numbers in the Bible. EDIT : PS - The excellent David Simpson took me to task for cheating a bit - the Biblical number of the beast as he chided me is actually 666. Biblical number 9 stands for a complete cycle of growth. The Biblical number 9 is the number of judgement. The number 9 is the most humanitarian number of all. This number is used in the Bible 49 times and its biblical symbolism is considered to be very important. It also means fruit of spirit or the divine completeness from the father. Number 9 is a symbol of completeness of God and also a symbol of finality. Almost all begin with the two verses above, which list nine fruits and nine gifts of the Spirit. Five is the number of grace, and multiplied by itself, which is …