Ecstatic: பரவசமடை. ness n. adj experiencing or manifesting ecstatic joy or... Rapturous - definition of rapturous by The Free Dictionary. Find more Latin words at! In this modern world, everyone wants to have a cool name, which is a little different than the rest. Rapturous descriptions of the sights that awaited explorers at the top of a mountain are common in travelogues. What does rapturous mean? Synonyms for rapturous at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Meaning of Ecstatic. Definition of rapturous in the dictionary. Information and translations of rapturous in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Synonyms for rapturous include ecstatic, euphoric, joyous, rapt, rhapsodic, transported, blissful, delighted, elated and enraptured. Rapturous Meaning in Hindi is हर्षोन्मत्त - Harṣonmatt Hindi Meaning. Ecstatic definition Noun. rapture translation in English-Tamil dictionary. Pertaining to, or caused by, ecstasy or excessive emotion; of the nature, or in a state, of ecstasy; as, ecstatic gaze; ecstatic trance. Information about Ecstatic in the free online Tamil dictionary. Delightful beyond measure; rapturous; ravishing; as, ecstatic bliss or joy. Blissful meaning in Tamil : ஆனந்தம் Definition : … Besides Blissful meaning in Tamil you will also know other uses of it.. Showing page 1. Tamil Translations of Ecstatic. adjective.. Ecstatic: பரவசமடை. Meaning of rapturous. Latin words for rapturous include laetitia elatus, jucundus, iucundus, miratrix, surrupticius, subrupticius, surrepticius, subrepticius and mirificus. Find descriptive alternatives for rapturous. Definition of Ecstatic in the Online Tamil Dictionary. Ecstatic: பரவசமடை. Blissful Meaning in Tamil – ஆனந்தம். Found 30 sentences matching phrase "rapture".Found in 6 ms.