What Is the Difference Between a Pastor, Minister and Reverend? is that pastor is a shepherd; someone who tends to a flock of animals while bishop is (christianity) an overseer of congregations: either any such overseer, generally speaking, or (in eastern orthodoxy, roman catholicism, anglicanism, etc) an official in the church hierarchy (actively or nominally) governing a diocese, supervising the church's priests, deacons, and property in its territory. Catholic priests that lead a parish may also be called a pastor from time to time; however, Catholics generally will use the term Father when addressing a priest, with Father being a title and pastor being a role. What is the difference between a reverend and a priest? The difference between a pastor, minister and reverend is that reverend is a title given, but not a position, while a minister is a minister of religion and a pastor means the same thing as a minister. Many terms describe clergy members of Christian churches, including pastor, elder, bishop, reverend, minister and priest. It refers to the characteristics of a clergy. A bishop is a designation for an ordained clergyman (or woman in some sects) that is charged with pastoral duties for a diocese (a grouping of churches). It is a title prefixed to a member of a religious order. A bishop is ordained (by laying on of hands, usually by at least 3 bishops to make Apostolic Succession certain) and can administer all the Sacraments and has a diocese (a larger group of many parishes) that they are responsible for putting them in charge of several priests. Some of the terms commonly used include pastor, elder, bishop, reverend, minister and priest. He is a person providing spiritual care to a number of people. The title reverend is not used as much as it used to be. 2.“Reverend” is an adjective. Currently, there are several differences between two of the most common terms-bishop and pastor- that should be noted. Most non Catholic ministers use the title pastor now but there are exceptions. "Pastor" and "bishop," however, are both names for … A pastor is the minister or priest in charge of a church. Other terms to describe Christian leaders include elder and bishop. The hierarchy of ordained church personnel varies depending on a church's denomination. A person with a Reverend title can perform more services within his church, such a solemnising a wedding, conduct Eucharist, funeral, baptism, preaching. A “Reverend” is a title given to a pastor, like the army rank of a captain or colonel, which indicates the level of knowledge and experience in their service.