Wet sand can become liquid-like when strongly shaken.

Example of reports include: Property (build date, sales price, land value, parcel number etc. If you do not know what a liquefaction zone is, then you probably are not concerned if your home is in a liquefaction zone. Big news, no doubt, but what about the… Map users may … The REAL Dirt on Liquefaction: A Guide to the Liquefaction Hazard in Future Earthquakes Affecting the San Francisco Bay Area—Jeanne B. Perkins, ABAG. Building Permits.

The fact that a devastating earthquake occurred in 1906 — the San Francisco earthquake — is common knowledge.
This is a digital Seismic Hazard Zone Map presenting areas where liquefaction and landslides may occur during a strong earthquake. Printable Report × What do you want to include in your printable report? Maps of Quaternary Deposits and Liquefaction Susceptibility in the Central San Francisco Bay Region, California In cooperation with the California Geological Survey Geology by Robert C. Witter 1, Keith L. Knudsen 2, Janet M. Sowers 1, Carl … A sample from one of these maps is shown on this page. If you live or work in the Marina, SOMA, FiDi, the Mission, Mission Bay, Dogpatch, or Hunter's Point, you likely do. Note the correspondence between the red areas on the liquefaction hazard map with the map showing where landfill and old marshes are.

Seismic hazards maps and reports for the San Francisco Bay Area.

Earthquakes in the San Francisco Bay Region result from the accumulation of energy as the Pacific Plate slides past the North American Plate. Maps of liquefaction hazard are used to show how the hazard differs from place to place, the likelihood of liquefaction in different earthquake scenarios, and to define hazard zones for regulatory purposes.

OTHERS. Lots of talk in the news these days about landfill, liquefaction, and general stability of property in and around San Francisco's waterfront, and entire city for that matter (see "SF's landmark tower for rich and famous is sinking and tilting"that hit newsstands and internets today [SF Gate/Chronicle]). This has been done for the San Francisco Bay area and other locations where earthquakes might trigger liquefaction. Map. Available for download, these maps identify and map areas prone to earthquake hazards of liquefaction, earthquake-induced landslides and amplified ground shaking. These maps are designed to …
The liquefied sand may flow and the ground may move and crack, causing damage to surface structures and underground utilities. Appeals.