The erection method adopted is determined to a large extent by local circumstances. SPECIAL FEATURES OF CONSTRUCTION. As no universal solution can be given, some examples are discussed below.

EXPLORE VIP Membership The development of The erection sequence for the tied arch railway bridge across the Amsterdam-Rhine Canal is shown in Figures 12 and 13. They are often the most economical choice where a bridge is required to cross over inaccessible landscapes.
The Bridge and Tunnel Concept Report focused on four distinct conceptual bridge types illustrated in igures 1 F – 4 and different tunnel options discussed in section 4.5. & Ad Free! Arch Method of Bridge Construction: The arch is the most natural bridge shape in nature. A tied-arch bridge is an arch bridge in which the outward-directed horizontal forces of the arch(es) are borne as tension by a chord tying the arch ends, rather than by the ground or the bridge foundations. This strengthened chord may be the deck structure itself or consist of … Tied-arch bridges can be created with a single arch member, two independent arches or two arches braced together, In the latter case, a more graceful bridge can often be created by leaning the arches towards each other and this has the structural advantage of reducing the span of the inter arch bracing. It is considered advantageous to use a Type C arch bridge, with a rigid …
Originally constructed of stone, today such bridges are built of reinforced or precast concrete.