However, it can definitely be found in deep, cold waters in the Gulf Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council Managing fishery resources in the U.S. federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico Facebook page opens in new window YouTube page opens in new window Mail page opens in new window Rss page opens in new window Red Grouper. Distribution -Golden tilefish can be found throughout the Gulf of Mexico and in the waters of the Atlantic. What in the World is a Tilefish? Tilefish inhabit the outer continental shelf and upper continental slope along the entire east coast of the United States and the Gulf of Mexico south to Venezuela. Red Snapper . The great northern tilefish (Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps) or golden tile, is the largest species in the family Malacanthidae (tilefishes), which grows to an average length between 38 to 44 inches (970 to 1,120 mm). Tilefish are able to reproduce when they reach 13 inches long and 3 pounds (approximately 2 to 4 years old). By Capt. Yellowfin tuna and golden tilefish are staples in the food supply targeted and sold by commercial fishermen working the northern Gulf of Mexico … Tilefish. Atlantic Ocean tilefish may have lower levels of mercury and may be safer to consume. Distribution -Golden tilefish can be found throughout the Gulf of Mexico and in the waters of the Atlantic. Tilefish are sometimes taken in bottom trawls. The ecological and human health imperatives for preventing another Deepwater Horizon — or worse — are important for Gulf communities and beyond. The Gulf of Mexico offers some of the most diverse angling opportunities found anywhere in the world. For seasons, bag limits, size limits, or closures contact South Atlantic Council (SAMFC) at 1-843-571-4366 or and see the most recent FF-Snapper-Grouper recreational proclamation. Shallow Water Grouper. Tilefish from the Gulf of Mexico have been shown to have high levels of mercury, and the FDA has recommended against their consumption by pregnant women. This is why it is also known as grey tilefish. Gag Grouper. They are primarily caught with longlines. The great northern tilefish is a slow-growing and long-lived species, which has four stages of life. Size and age – Golden tilefish can grow to about 38 to 44 inches in length and can live for more than 40 years. Most of the body is colored olive-gray and it has a white bottom. Tilefish spawn from March through November in the Atlantic and from January through June in the Gulf of Mexico. The thermal range to which the tilefish is exposed, normally, is very narrow also, for the temperature of the bottom water along the zone inhabited regularly by it varies only between about 47° and about 53°, in most years, summer or winter. After hatching from eggs, the larvae are found in plankton. The great northern tilefish (Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps) or golden tile, is the largest species in the family Malacanthidae (tilefishes), which grows to an average length between 38 to 44 inches (970 to 1,120 mm).