But before the USN commits the kind of money required, it … And while NAVSEA is working on how a rail gun system would be installed on the Johnson, Fanta is also looking for a bigger test range to shoot the rail gun, now at … Author: ... a People's Liberation Army-run news outlet confirmed that the Chinese navy had achieved a … U.S. Navy unveils high-speed rail gun The U.S. Navy has unveiled a new secret weapon that its developers call a rail gun. What happens now? Key point: Needs more testing before it becomes operational. The U.S. Navy Wants Deadly Railguns On Its Ships. The U.S. Navy’s highly touted electromagnetic railgun weapon system, which can fire a projectile traveling 4,800 miles an hour at distances of up to … The Navy's electromagnetic railgun is undergoing what officials described as "essentially a shakedown" of critical systems before finally installing a tactical demonstrator aboard a surface warship, the latest sign that the once-beleaguered supergun may actually end up seeing combat. China Just Blew The US Navy’s Electromagnetic Railgun Out Of The Water. U.S. Navy environmental impact documents and government testing officials indicate that the navy’s electromagnetic railgun prototype is progressing toward eventual at … Video: The U.S. Navy's new electromagnetic railgun In July 2017, the Office of Naval Research announced that the Navy's electromagnetic railgun is ready for … The U.S. Navy's experimental railgun is getting new upgrades to make it fire more powerful shots, and fire them faster. The following is Congressional Research Service's May 17 report, Navy Laser, Railgun, and Gun-Launched Guided Projectile: Background & Issues for Congress. Good Luck with That. The USN’s goal is to fire ten rounds per minute, so the capacitors need to be recharged to fire every 6 seconds. The next month, a People's Liberation Army-run news outlet confirmed that the Chinese navy had achieved a “breakthrough" during sea trials for the new railgun. ... There’s renewed interest of late in the US Navy’s (USN) electromagnetic railgun. A new class of nuclear-powered warships could host multiple railguns (or other power-hungry weapons). Richardson was responding to a question from Rep. Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, who expressed concern about the proven capability of the Navy's railgun weapon, which … The U.S. Navy's newest weapon, the futuristic rail gun, shoots projectiles over 100 miles at Mach 7 — seven times the speed of sound. A US Navy destroyer test-fired hypervelocity projectiles from its standard Mk 45 5-inch deck gun during the Rim of the Pacific exercises last year, USNI News reported Tuesday. The US Navy and government testing officials indicate that the prototype of the naval electromagnetic railgun is progressing towards eventual sea testing. After spending more than $500 million, the Department of Defense is moving away from its railgun project and instead leaning towards a mixture of new and existing technologies. The USN prototype has 100MJ of pulse-power capacitors and a 25MW powerplant for recharging. Watch the U.S. Navy Test Fire Its Much Touted Railgun The service wants the electromagnetic cannons in action by 2025, but power, cooling and just finding space on board ships are major challenges. Top gun: redefined. The US Navy is turning its attention away from a decade-long, electromagnetic railgun program, opting instead, for a less expensive alternative that uses the projectiles as ammunition in existing guns, rather than a next-generation weapon. Navy's Railgun Now Undergoing Tests In New Mexico, Could Deploy On Ship In Northwest After some claimed it was all but abandoned, the Navy's railgun program appears to be making significant progress. The U.S. Navy has quietly moved its experimental electromagnetic railgun to the U.S. Army's White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico and has been conducting new live-fire tests of … The Navy is pursuing a multi-pronged approach to fielding energy weapons by 2020, upgrading its 30 kilowatt laser gun and electromagnetic railgun. Richardson was responding to a question from Rep. Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, who expressed concern about the proven capability of the Navy's railgun …