So it's important to be sure your feelings are real. It’s often the first big step in creating a lasting romantic relationship, and it’s an important moment to have. Agree with those who say "you just know". Saying "I love you" for the first time is terrifying. The first time someone in a couple tells the other, "I love you," can be a huge deal. In heterosexual couples, when men say “I love you” first, it’s romantic. From when to leave your toothbrush at someone's apartment to when to first say "I love you", a lot of us wonder if our relationship is progressing … How soon do other people say “I love you” and if I speak to enough people, will I prove, at least anecdotally, that this timeline might be correct?

When you tell someone you love them, you’re telling them that they’re actively making your life better. Don’t say “I love you” for the first time when you’re intoxicated, scared that you’re about to break up, hoping it will help you get farther physically in the relationship, or feeling competitive with an ex. I Love You is the title of at least 47 songs, 15 albums and 13 movies in the English-language canon. I know you are probably still nervous. To expand, I love you comes when (this is not an exhaustive list but something I've realized through good and bad relationships):the person you're with makes you feel good about yourself and you make them feel good about themselves What makes it so scary, you ask? But when a woman says it first, she’s nuts. It's not six months into a relationship, it's not three weeks, and it's not a year. Or do you play it cool through fear of rejection? Whether you're dropping the L-bomb for the first time or just want to remind your guy how into him you are, these expert romantic ideas help you say what "I love you…

Do you go with your gut and say it as soon as the thought strikes? Well, I'd have to say that the most petrifying part of it all is the unknown factor. Hollywood is full of movies revolving around that very moment. "The regret of my life is that I have not said 'I love you' often enough." The feeling of falling in love with someone can be scary, but actually saying “I love you” for the first time can be even more terrifying. As you can see, there's no perfect time to say "I love you."

Likewise there are no rules about when men and women fall in love, or who “should” be the one to feel comfortable enough to say it first. "I don't think saying 'I love you' means a lifetime commitment, but the statement is serious," say Irina Firstein, LCSW. — Yoko Ono. Do you see yourself with this person in five years? Take the time to reflect on the relationship.
When is the right time to say I love you? Share these feelings to make your partner feel, well, loved. When to say ‘I love you’ for the first time.

4. Just because more than 50 percent of people wait to say "I love you" until after the three-month mark, according to a recent survey, doesn't mean you have to do the same. Say it Selflessly You should not say I love you if you are counting on hearing it back. Honestly, so am I. I am in a new relationship right now and am bursting at the seams wanting to say ‘I love you.’ But, like most of you, I am scared. As long as you avoid these three avenues of no-nos, you should be good to go. Sixty-three percent say it takes six months to feel completely in love. Saying “I love you” for the first time can be nerve-wracking. It's … We say and hear it all the time — even if it isn’t directed at anyone in particular.