If you ever receive an apology that doesn’t have these 4 elements, then it wasn’t an apology. First of all, of course, he or she may feel wronged and that the apology should be going in the other direction. Someone who ought to apologize may not for any of a number of different reasons. An apology without change is just manipulation. I’ve never gotten too hung up on apologies. Mar 17, 2019. b-a-w-b-e-e liked this . Read that again. starlit-pathways reblogged this from mars-aria. Posted Jun 06, 2019

An apology without change is just manipulation. An apology without change is manipulation motivation - 9206040 Sometimes, the words "I'm sorry" are just part of the narcissist's game. allllison11 liked this . After all, I’ve always felt actions speak louder than words. Forgiveness Decoding an Apology: Real Deal, Manipulation, or Dodge? Someone cannot apologize for how you feel. They can only apologize for what they did. starlit-pathways liked this .