This one kind of goes with the last benefit, but having the option to roller skate is always a nice possibility. Why do skaters hate scooter, and bmx so much? I'm 24 now and I still enjoy it occasionally. I stopped caring about learning tricks and I just was having more fun cruising around. Riding the same route to work every day can be almost depressing and monotonous, so why not take a new route on a pair of skates? 5 months ago. I used to skate from around age 12 to maybe 16 or 17 all the time. Starting to see why skaters hate youtube skaters.. All the stupid ass bottle flipping, making skateboards out of dumb objects, the clickbait titles, 'carpet boarding', vlogs that don't actually log any skate footage... it's a joke. Its a SKATE park meant for skaters not people who ride scooters. While hopping on an electric scooter to … 1. Posted by. Its a SKATE park meant for skaters not people who ride scooters. Its not that they hate skaters in general, its just they hate everyone, and their job is to keep everything "under control" and the worlds opinion on skating, is rebellion. Skateboards, along with other small-wheeled transportation such as in-line skates and scooters, suffer a safety problem: riders may easily be thrown from small cracks and outcroppings in pavement, especially where the cracks run across the direction of travel. It won't replace your car or help you through your 45-mile morning commute, but for the kind of nearby urban travel so many people struggle through, it's perfect. I've gotten shit for it, even from random people on the … Skate shoes have grippy, flat and usually those wide soles to help riders hold on and control their skate boards better. Close. If skaters are on their property then yes but if we stay on the paths ( that they don't own ) we shouldn't get badly hated. Hitting such … 67% Upvoted. Open up the horizons, release those endorphins, and have a good time commuting! Electric scooters draw a lot of hate, but if supported well by cities, they have the potential to provide a widespread and beneficial mode of transportation. i longboard, and usually get **** from skaters. Why do skaters hate casual cruisers so much? I can still do some tricks, but I'm not that good. They are just too easy. share. Skating can be enjoyed at all ages! I started skating less and less after that, and now I hardly ever do it. You don't see BMX or mountain bikers at the Tour De France holding up signs that say "backflip you pussy", or … If it bugs you so much just find a different place to ride I guess its the same way in a lot of other towns too. u/MrBear802. Why do skaters hate scooter, and bmx so much? I guess its the same way in a lot of other towns too.