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The word of the year (German: Wort des Jahres) is an annual publication by the Gesellschaft … Tune in then. However, it says the frequency of its usage increased by 2,000% in 2016 compared with last year. [PJC] Choose from over a hundred free PowerPoint, Word, and Excel calendars for personal, school, or business. A British museum curator has built a working replica of a 2,000-year-old Greek machine that has been called the world’s first computer. Merriam-Webster’s editors are at pains to clarify that they weren’t trying to be meta (which, incidentally, would’ve made a great word of the year back in 2000). Every year, we debate candidates for word of the year and choose a winner that is judged to reflect the ethos, mood, or preoccupations of that particular year and to have lasting potential as a word … Your word will serve as a reminder of God’s truth in your life and inspire you to live your faith each and every day. I looked it up in my dictionary, but it didn’t exist. The closest I could come to it was “chador,” which is the garment that some Muslim women wear to … A single word that encapsulates what you need more of, what you want to focus on, or what you need to improve on. Here Is Every “Word of the Year” Since 2000 Aubrey Almanza To qualify as a potential “word of the year,” terms must be newly popular, widely used, and reflective of regular discourse. Oxford Dictionaries says post-truth is thought to have been first used in 1992. Today I’m talking all about picking a word of the year for 2020 and sharing 100 ideas to help you pick one! by Purple_Parrot Plays Quiz Updated Oct 18, 2013 . Just For Fun Quiz / Word Ladder: A Very Good Year (2000) Random Just For Fun or Year Quiz Can you name the 4-letter rungs in this turn-of-the-century word ladder? The Meaning of 2000 Crossing the Jordan The Year 2000 January 1, 2000 (Day 1): Since years are numbers and since the Lord Jesus Christ controls history the meaning of the year always matches the number.The number 2000 means: crossing the Jordan.When Israel was ready to cross the Jordan into the Promised Land, the people were commanded to follow the priests who were carrying … The candidates for the Word of the Year are drawn from evidence gathered by our extensive language research program, including the Oxford Corpus, which gathers around 150 million words of current English from web-based publications each month. Chad’s our new word for 2000. A word for the year! Note: In 1998 many programs with the year 2000 bug were still not corrected, and it is not clear how many programs will retain the bug when the year 2000 arrives. Syn: millemium bug, Y2K bug, Y2K problem. This is a great alternative to New Years Resolutions or a … Keep organized with printable calendar templates for any occasion. Instead of another New Year’s resolution, we’d like to help you identify a Word of the Year that will be a guide in the year ahead. Now that’s a resolution! Instead of writing a new year’s resolution (or panicking that you can’t decide on one) another great way to go into a brand, spanking new year is to have a focus word instead. Word definition, a unit of language, consisting of one or more spoken sounds or their written representation, that functions as a principal carrier of meaning.