scottish green party seats

Crucial Scottish elections on “knife edge” as pro-independence SNP win early seats. The Scottish Greens are on course for their best ever electoral performance in the elections on 6 May, in terms of vote share as well as seats – they are currently projected to win close to 10% of the regional list vote and up to 10 seats.. Scottish Labour. The party has had some success under the proportional representation system used for the devolved Scottish Parliament. Scottish National Party – 71 seats (+2) Scottish Labour Party – 34 seats (-3) Scottish Conservative Party – 16 seats (+1) Scottish Green Party – 5 seats (+3) Scottish Liberal Democrat Party – 3 seats (-2) This would indicate merely a small reshuffle consolidating the SNP’s majority, whilst the opposition becomes more fragmented. Votes for the Scottish Green Party are up across the country but the margins for seat gains on the regional lists are very slim, co-leader Patrick Harvie has said. The election delivered the first majority government since the opening of Holyrood, a remarkable feat as the Additional Member System used to elect MSPs was originally implemented to prevent any party achieving an overall parliamentary majority. A results summary and analysis can be found on the main results page. Any party that has a chance of or wants to be seen as having a chance of forming a future Scottish Government will demand members and supporters give both votes to their party. The party won a total of eight seats at the 2021 election, all of them via the regional list. The Greens won 8 seats, their best result to date at a Scottish Parliament election, while the Conservatives retained second place with 31 seats. Coupled with the eight secured by the pro-independence Scottish Green Party, … Scottish National Party 855,431 22.3% 27 Conservative 615,208 16.1% 18 Liberal Democrat 520,157 13.6% 17 Scottish Socialist Party 244,139 6.4% 6 Scottish Green Party 132,138 3.4% 7 Independent 66,394 1.7% ) Others 171,282 4.5% ) 3,830,213 129 1999 Votes Share Seats Labour 1,695,164 36.2% 56 Scottish National Party 1,311,412 28.0% 35 The Green Party made good progress, winning at least 40 new seats. Full regional breakdown of regional list results for the 2016 Holyrood elections. The Scottish Greens claim that the IGV is a “front for fascists”. The Scottish Greens have never won more than seven seats in the Scottish Parliament’s history. Ross Finnie. “They’re actively working against that by standing against SNP candidates in constituency seats the SNP would definitely win but for, perhaps, votes that will be lost to the Green party. Former MSP for Highlands and Islands (Region) Placeholder. The Scottish Nationalist Party (SNP) won 64 of the 129 seats, lacking an overall majority, and its closest opponent, the Scottish Unionist Conservatives, won 31. Borders Greens contested both constituency seats for Holyrood in the Scottish Borders for the first time. Scottish Greens are the fourth largest party with six seats, ahead of the Lib Dems who won five. There had been a row earlier in the month over the Scottish Greens standing in marginal seats held by the SNP, with concern that the pro- … Scottish Green Party co-leader Lorna Slater told Bright Green: This poll is the latest in a long line to suggest that the Scottish Greens are headed for a record result in May. They are targeting several UK seats for the first Green MP, although without proportional representation it could prove an uphill battle. With a foot in the door, 2003’s famous “Rainbow Parliament” saw seven Green … Standing for election in the Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale constituency are: Dominic Ashmole – Scottish Green Party. View Green held marginal seats vulnerable at the next Scottish Parliament election. Alba: Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh, Lynne Anderson, Jim Walker, Margaret Lynch. Vote like our future depends on it - Vote Green! However: adding the SNP and Scottish Green seats together will give a majority, as both parties campaigned expressly for an independence referendum. THE Scottish Greens have released their final list of candidates as the party hopes to win a record number of seats at the Holyrood election next month. The poll, from SavantaComRes has the Scottish Greens on 11% of the regional list vote, behind Labour on 18%, the Tories on 21% and the SNP on 41%. Scotland’s First Minister and leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP), Nicola Sturgeon campaigns in Dumbarton, Scotland, Britain May 5, 2021, ahead of the upcoming Scottish Parliament election. GREEN PARTY “LUKEWARM ON INDY” – POLL. The SNP need to gain at least four more seats to win an overall majority of 65, but could rely on the backing of the pro-independence Green Party, which took five seats in … The Labour party has traditionally relied on Scotland to achieve enough seats to gain a majority in Westminster. Below is the list of Green target seats for the 2026 Scottish Parliament election. Organisation. The Green Party made good progress, winning at least 40 new seats. Scottish Green Party. In 2 regions, if we make the (totally justified) assumption that the vast majority of IGV votes were intended as Scottish Green Party votes, the “ghost party” decided a seat by being on the ballot. The Scottish National Party won 64 out of 129 seats on May 6. GLASGOW (Reuters) -Scotland's main pro-independence party captured dozens of seats on Friday in a Scottish parliament election that could determine the future of the United Kingdom, but early results left uncertainty over whether it would win a crucial majority. Its co-leader Patrick Harvie was the only Scottish Greens representative to win a seat via the Glasgow regional list. The centre-right Scottish Conservative Party, which has lost ground since its formation in 1965, has 15 seats, down 2. Pro-independence party set to double its seat share at Holyrood, survey shows. Join our movement now: – … Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said she was in talks with the Scottish Green Party to form a coalition that would cement a pro-independence majority in the devolved parliament ahead of a political fight the future of the United Kingdom. Former MSP for Strathkelvin and Bearsden (Constituency) FitzPatrick, Joe. Sat 8 May, 2021. Labour had its worst-ever result with 22 seats, and the lowest share of the vote in both Constituency & List … Co-Leader of the Scottish Green Party. From the election data so far, it can be concluded that the Greens won nine seats in the Scottish Parliament, three more than the size of their current group. There was no change to the total Conservative number of seats, which remained at 31. In Glasgow, for example, where Independent Green Voice took 2,210 votes, the Green Party fell 914 votes short of a second seat on the regional list. A results summary and analysis can be found on the main results page. Sure, AMS was meant to be proportional, but only amongst the cosy four parties that had long held seats at Westminster – certainly not upstarts like the Greens or the Scottish Socialist Party! Scottish Liberal Democrats. It follows a Panelbase poll at the weekend, which put the new anti-independence outfit on four per cent. If one party wins at least 65 of the 129 seats they have a majority and can form a government. — Pool picture via Reuters. The total number of SNP MSPs elected was one more than in 2016. It did not get enough votes to win a seat in the South Scotland region. The Scottish Greens secured eight MSPs, up from six. Sturgeon said that the referendum would happen some time after the pandemic, and the timing of a referendum would be decided by a simple majority in the Scottish Parliament. Despite their discouraging performance during the constituency vote, the Scottish Green Party managed to secure the support of 2 802 Scots last week through the regional ballot vote. List Seats Votes % Laura Moodie Scottish Greens #1 lead candidate for the South Scotland Region. The Conservatives were second with 31 MSPs, pushing Labour into third place with 24 MSPs. First elected in 2003 to the Scottish Parliament via the list. First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s Scottish National Party is seen winning 65 seats on May 6, giving it an outright majority of one, according to a Panelbase survey for the Sunday Times. Forby, it haes 19 cooncillors in sax o the 32 local cooncils in Scotland. The Green Party also supports independence. The Scots Green Pairty is a green poleetical pairty in Scotland. Scottish Parliament Election 2016 (Use for 2021) Scotland. From the elections of 1964 to 2010, Labour always held between 40 and 50 Westminster seats in Scottish constituencies. We have a manifesto for the Scottish Green Party. The UK Green Party traced its development back through the Ecology Party to the PEOPLE Party … At the last election in 2016, the SNP lost their parliamentary majority, but were able to rule as a minority government, with the help of the pro-independence Scottish Green Party. The Green party has six seats in the Scottish parliament. Sturgeon said that the referendum would happen some time after the pandemic, and the timing of a referendum would be decided by a simple majority in the Scottish Parliament. Below is the list of Green target seats for the 2021 Scottish Parliament election. The list is ordered from the smallest to the largest swing needed for the seat to change hands. View Green held marginal seats vulnerable at the next Scottish Parliament election. Rank Constituency Elsewhere, Scottish Green Party co-leader Patrick Harvie was the first party leader to arrive at the Glasgow count at the Emirates Arena. The Greens, who … If you like the SGP manifesto, you might want to consider voting for them;… The result, which also saw the pro-independence Scottish Green Party secure eight seats, could pave the way for a second referendum on Scottish independence. The separation was entirely amicable, as part of the green commitment to decentralisation: the Scottish Green Party supported the referendum on Scottish independence and opposed Britain's entry into the European Common Marketin its 1989 Europ… Scottish Green Party. Full regional breakdown of regional list results for the 2016 Holyrood elections. This would be home-rule (or devolution) or full independence. Scottish Borders Green Party press releases. The 73 constituency MSPs are elected on a first-past-the-post system, so … In 2003, six more Greens were elected, giving the party seven MSPs (Members of Scottish Parliament) in the 129 member body. Former MSP for Highlands and Islands (Region) Placeholder. Here you will find the press releases from the branch including from our candidates for council and the Scottish Parliament elections. For Immediate Release: Wednesday 27 AprilGREEN PARTY “LUKEWARM ON INDY” – POLLLess than half of Scottish Green voters in favour of independence, survey finds as SNP voters are urged to “Vote ALBA on the list to make their vote count for independence”. The Scottish Greens have increased their number of MSPs in the Scottish Parliament to a record eight. Former MSP for West of Scotland (Region) Placeholder. Our ambitions for Scotland are limitless. SNP % Labour % Conservative % Liberal Democrat % Region. Ross Greer, running for re-election as the West of Scotland's Green MSP. The results, given that the Scottish Green Party also won eight seats, could pave the way for a second referendum on Scottish … The SNP need to gain at least four more seats to win an overall majority of 65, but could rely on the backing of the pro-independence Green Party, which took five seats in … Won 24 seats on Bristol City Council – now joint largest party with Labour. Robin Harper became the first elected Green Parliamentarian in the UK in 1999, and there were also seats for Tommy Sheridan of the Scottish Socialist Party and Dennis Canavan, deselected as a Labour candidate, he handsomely won his constituency as an independent. Brian Fitzpatrick. In the 2016 election, the Scottish Green party had six MSPs elected through the list vote, accounting for the party’s entire parliamentary representation. The 2003 election expanded the party system at Holyrood, with the Greens and the SSP increasing their representation … The Scottish National Party won the largest number of seats (63), but lost the majority they held in the preceding Parliament. Green Party candidate Gillian Mackay secured the seventh proportional representation seat in the Holyrood region made of up nine constituencies North and … We track the latest polls for the next Scottish election. Speaking to Reuters, McDonald hailed the gains as further proof of a fundamental … Probably most Labour constituency votes vote Labour or SNP on the list. The Scottish Green Party also accounts for 8 seats out of 129 in the Scottish Parliament, but there are no Greens elected in the Welsh Senedd. With the assumption that c.50% of Scottish Green votes were tactical votes lent by SNP voters, a Scottish Green vote of 4% (vs the 8%) and an SNP vote of 44% (vs 40%) would have had the following implications for the Scottish Greens at a regional list level, losing 6 of their 8 seats, giving 2 seats (and a majority) to the SNP, 3 seats to Labour and a seat to the Tories 5 Figure 3: Result by Political Party, 2011 and 2016 elections (number of seats) Turnout in the election was 55.6% in the constituency vote and 55.8% in the regional vote, up on the 2011 election, but down on both last year’s UK election (71.1%) and the Scottish independence referendum (84.6%). Scottish Green Party (5 Seats) – Led by Patrick Harvie MSP and Lorna Slater There are two candidates for Abolish the Scottish Parliament Party and seven on the list for the All For Unity party, with former MP George Galloway at the top. Scottish Renew, Scottish … Elections to the Scottish Parliament took place on 5 May 2016. The Scottish Green Party is on 9% on the list and may yet climb higher after the performances of its co-leaders in the TV leaders’ debates. Posted on 28 April 2021. by Barrheadboy. This year’s election, while conducted under the constraints of coronavirus rules, is considered to be one of the most important since the Scottish Parliament opened in 1999. Michael James Banks – Vanguard Party. GLASGOW (Reuters) -Scotland's main pro-independence party captured dozens of seats on Friday in a Scottish parliament election that could determine the future of the United Kingdom, but early results left uncertainty over whether it would win a crucial majority. Scottish Liberal Democrats. SNP % Conservative % Labour % Green % Liberal … The SNP need to gain at least four more seats to win an overall majority of 65, but could rely on the backing of the pro-independence Green Party, which took five seats in … If no party crosses this threshold then a coalition government will be formed. The Scottish Greens’ conference took place this weekend, with the major story that John Finnie, former SNP MSP, has joined the party. Now is the time for a Green Recovery and policies that bring on real change for communities everywhere. List Seats Votes % There were nine councils where Green candidates won seats for the first … As o 2016, the pairty hauds sax seats in the Scots Pairlament. Their success earned them eight seats in the Scottish Parliament, surpassing the party’s record of three seats in 2003. The 18 parties are: Abolish the Scottish Parliament Party, Alba Party, All For Unity, Animal Welfare Party, Communist Party of Britain, Freedom Alliance, Reform UK, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, Scottish Family Party, Scottish Green Party, Scottish Labour Party, Scottish Liberal Democrats, Scottish Libertarian Party, Scottish National Party (SNP). Scottish Green Party could hold the key to independence majority. The SNP appears unstoppable in its bid for a fourth consecutive term in government, currently commanding around a 48 per cent share in the polls, according to a poll tracker by the FT. The Scottish Green Party has 2, up 1. I’m putting my current efforts into supporting the Greens in England, where they could take more than one seat. green wave over the uk A record number of you voted for the Scottish Greens in the Scottish Borders in the Scottish Parliament election last week. Green influence The 2021 elections did not introduce […] Friday, 07 May 2021 09:22 PM MYT. The SNP fell one seat short of a majority, winning 64 of the 129 seats, but the pro-independence Scottish Green Party won eight seats. A row erupted in the wake of last week’s Scottish Parliamentary vote after the Scottish Greens claimed a party called Independent Green Voice (IGV) potentially cost them two seats. Regional MSPs are allocated seats using a formula which takes into account the number of constituency seats that an individual or party has already won in that region, as well as the number of regional votes they received. The Conservatives were second with 31 MSPs, pushing Labour into third place with 24 MSPs. Together with the SNP and the Green Party, this could mean that around 60 per cent of seats at Holyrood would be held by pro-independence MSPs. Vote like our future depends on it - Vote Green! Ye can help Wikipaedia bi expandin it. political party in Scotland, where it has the most seats in the Scottish Parliament and 45 out of the 59 Scottish seats in the House of Commons at Westminster, and it is the third-largest political party by membership in the United Kingdom, behind the Labour Party and the Conservative Party. The Scottish Green Party is also in favour of a second referendum, meaning that an overall majority of pro-independence MSPs is all but guaranteed if it secures 11 seats … Former MSP for West of Scotland (Region) Placeholder. Now, as the Scottish National Party appears not to have an overall majority in the Scottish Parliament, there are those who contend that the lack of that majority means that there is no mandate for an independence referendum. … With 64 of Holyrood’s 129 seats, the SNP is one short of an overall majority but with the Scottish Greens’ seven votes, an agreement would produce a … "We're staking the claim to become England's third party," co … This page contains the Scottish Parliament swingometer used to predict election results for the next Scottish election scheduled to be held in 2021. Scottish Green Party co-leader Lorna Slater on the campaign trail. Possibly SGP would get fewer votes. The opposite is so with the Conservatives. The Scottish Greens have been leading the change, delivering the social, economic and environmental justice our society deserves. THE Scottish Greens have slammed 'blatant electoral deceit' after the Independent Green Voice party 'potentially cost them seats'. The Scottish Green Party with 6 MSPs overtook the Liberal Democrats who remain on 5 MSPs. McLaughlin told Al Jazeera that an outright majority for her party … MSP hopefuls for the pro- independence party are standing in 12 constituencies across Scotland and in all eight regional lists. the Green Party Changes agreed at Spring Conference 2012 – ... Green Party, and with the independent Scottish Green Party and Comhaontas Glas (the Green Party of the Irish Republic). Green voices have never been more important as we face up to the climate emergency. Currently, the SNP, with 61 seats, and the Scottish Green Party, with five, form a pro-independence majority in Edinburgh. Green Target Seats For The 2021 Scottish Parliament Election Current Green MSPs Alison Johnstone and Andy Wightman will lead the way, with Alison standing in Edinburgh Central as she did in 2016, while Andy will stand in Edinburgh Northern and Leith. The party’s political leaning is hard to pin down as it was founded in the early 20 th century with the merger of the National Party of Scotland and the Scottish Self-Government Party, with a united goal of Scottish autonomy. The Scottish Green Party can trace its origins to the mid-1970s when the People Party was started in Coventry.It changed its name to the Ecology Party in 1975, and an Edinburgh branch was formed in time to stand one candidate in the 1979 general election, led by former Labour activist and retired teacher Leslie Spoor (who continued as a member until his death, aged 100 in 2011). The Scottish Green Party originated as the Scottish branch of the Ecology Party, founded in 1978 by Leslie Spoor. The Labour Party has 37 seats, down 7. The ALBA party led by Alex Salmond have urged independence supporters to support them with their list vote if they want it to … Conservatives are the second largest party on 31 seats - but Labour on 24 lost 13 seats. IGV got 2210. Scots Greens. By Natalie Thomas GLASGOW (Reuters) -Scotland’s main pro-independence party enjoyed early successes on Friday in crucial Scottish parliament election results which could determine the future of the United Kingdom, although its leader cautioned the result remained “on a knife edge”. Ross Finnie. Turnout was 55.7%, an increase of 5.3% points from 2011. Robin Harper as the first Green Parliamentarian in the UK in the first Scottish elections of May 1999. While the Scottish National Party (SNP) fell one seat short of the overall majority in Holyrood with 64 seats, a pro-independence majority was nevertheless voted into the Scottish Parliament thanks to the gains secured by the Scottish Green Party, which is also in favour of splitting from the union. The Scottish Conservatives matched their best ever result at a Scottish Parliament election as new leader Douglas Ross maintained the 31-seat total won in 2016. There is also one Independent. Scottish Greens. The pro-independence Scottish Green Party, which supports the SNP’s current minority government, is seen winning 11 seats, more than double the … The SNP fell one seat short of a majority, winning 64 of the 129 seats, but the pro-independence Scottish Green Party won eight seats. With eight MSPs, it is the party’s best ever result. The Scottish Green Party was created in 1990 when the former Green Party split into separate, independent parties for Scotland, Northern Ireland, and England and Wales. The Scottish Green Party can trace its origins to the mid-1970s when the People Party was started in Coventry.It changed its name to the Ecology Party in 1975, and an Edinburgh branch was formed in time to stand one candidate in the 1979 general election, led by former Labour activist and retired teacher Leslie Spoor (who continued as a member until his death, aged 100 in 2011). The Scottish Green Party gained two seats (total eight), the Liberal Democrats lost one seat (total four) and Labour lost two seats (total 22). The Holyrood election is due to take place on Thursday, May 6. Scottish Green Party co-leaders Patrick Harvie and Lorna Slater are campaigning to win more seats at Holyrood (Andrew Milligan/PA) There is also the prospect of more pro-independence MSPs being elected from Alex Salmond’s new Alba Party. The Ecology Party became the UK Green Party and it remained a constituent party until 1990, when the Scottish Green Party became a separate entity. It will therefore be argued that Alba are costing the SNP their majority – Alba will say they have saved those votes for the Yes side as they were leaving the SNP anyway. The Scottish Green Party is on 9% on the list and may yet climb higher after the performances of its co-leaders in the TV leaders’ debates. Michael Needham Scottish Greens candidate for the Leaderdale and Melrose By-Election HERE. The Scottish Green Party picked up 2,802, way ahead of both the Scottish Liberal Democrats with 968. Green Target Seats for the 2026 Scottish Parliament Election. The Conservative Party came second with 31 seats, their best performance at any Scottish Parliament elections. The pro-independence Scottish Green Party is seen winning eight seats, while former Scottish leader Alex Salmond’s Alba Party could get six seats, the poll shows. After a positive campaign which focused on a green recovery and tackling the climate emergency, the Scottish Greens saw their vote share grow in every region of Scotland. The pro-independence Scottish Green Party won 6 seats, meaning that pro-independence MSPs maintained a majority. 586 Liberal Democrat councillors were elected last week, compared to 151 Greens. Alex Salmond's Alba Party failed to make an … LONDON (Reuters) – Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said she was in talks with the Scottish Green Party to form a coalition that would cement a pro-independence majority in the devolved parliament ahead of a political fight the future of the United Kingdom. The list, which is gender-balanced, will see candidates contest seats currently held by the SNP, Labour, Tories and LibDems . The Greens and the Independent support Scottish independence. The party picked up two seats … Ahead of the 2021 election the SNP hold 61 seats, the Scottish Conservatives hold 30, Scottish Labour 23, Scottish Greens 5 and the Scottish … Scottish Greens co-leader Patrick Harvie, left, with Yes campaigners in 2014. Elections to the Scottish Parliament are taking place in May 2021. Now is the time for Green politics. Joe … Scottish Labour. 335 talking about this. They won eight seats. Photograph: Ken Jack/Getty Images Jill Stephenson is mistaken in her complaints about the Scottish parliament … John Finnie was an SNP member of the Scottish … Now, a new poll has found that the Scottish Green Party could be on track to win a record breaking 11 seats. Thus, because Labour does disproportionally well in the former, it gets fewer seats in the latter, by way of compensation. THE Scottish Greens have announced they will be running candidates for the General Election in 22 seats across the country. The Conservatives gained the second largest share of the vote (22.8%), winning 31 seats, which was the same number as in 2016. The Freedom Alliance has four list candidates, while Independent Green Voice has listed a single candidate. Ruling pro-independence SNP win early seats in crucial Scottish elections. The Scottish Parliament election, held on 5 May 2016, resulted in the SNP being the largest party with 63 MSPs, two short of an overall majority. Constituency. The Scottish Green Party is the youngest of Scotland’s main political parties, officially founded in 1990 following the amicable division of the UK Green Party into three independent parties. 552 talking about this. Co-leaders Patrick Harvie and Lorna Slater have put themselves forward for the first-past-the-post seats of Glasgow … Scottish Green Party (5 seats) – Led by Patrick Harvie MSP and Lorna Slater The Green Party are the other main pro-independence party and win their seats wholly in the regional list vote. Their votes usually come from SNP ticket-splitters. They are probably the party most optimistic about where they stand right now. How the left won the Scottish Green Party and how that will change Scottish politics 25th May 2021 25th May 2021 3 weeks ago Scottish Left Review 719 Views a just transition, ... so the seats won by the Greens show that the agenda in that referendum must be a progressive one, rather than that pursued by Alba. results by party compared with the previous Scottish parliament elections in 2011. Join the Greens and help us … The Scottish Parliament election, held on 5 May 2016, resulted in the SNP being the largest party with 63 MSPs, two short of an overall majority. They will face an onslaught from every angle, including Sturgeon and the SNP, but they have a real chance of winning seats to the cost of the unionist parties and the awful Greens. First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s Scottish National Party is seen winning 65 seats on May 6, giving it an outright majority of one, according to a Panelbase survey for the Sunday Times. Scottish Conservative strategists are worried George Galloway’s All For Unity party could take five or six seats off them at the election. So there's clearly a majority for independence in the Parliament now. Former MSP for Strathkelvin and Bearsden (Constituency) FitzPatrick, Joe. The Green manifesto stipulated that a second referendum should be held if there was a public demand for one, rather than as a result of "calculations of party political advantage". As a Scottish Green party member, I’ve decided to tactically vote SNP for Westminster. Bristol West is their best bet for seat number 2 and Norwich South is in with a chance if enough effort goes into it. Below is the list of Green target seats for the 2021 Welsh Assembly election. The list is ordered from the smallest to the largest swing needed for the seat to change hands. View Green held marginal seats vulnerable at the next Welsh Assembly election. 1. 2. 3. The peach list ballot paper at the Scottish Parliament election included a fringe party called "Independent Green Voice" - which led a minimal campaign and returned no MSPs - … The Scottish Green Party with 6 MSPs overtook the Liberal Democrats who remain on 5 MSPs. In the elections to the Scottish Parliament in May 2021 the Scottish National Party won the most seats (64 of 129) with 44.2% of the vote, but failed to win an overall majority. Do we know whether or not the 150,000 list votes they actually currently get all come from people who voted SNP in the constituency? the Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale seat in May’s Holyrood election. The two halves of the Bundestag are "watertight".By contrast, in the Scottish Parliament elections, the results in the 73 FPTP seats affect the 56 PR seats.

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