which statement best describes monsoons?

Answer. A monsoon is the annual rain in some areas, such as India, which is providing a significant portion of the yearly precipitation. This 24 words question was answered by Colleen R. on StudySoup on 5/31/2017. Which of the statements given above is/are correct? Top Answer. The monsoon retreats from the western Rajasthan by the first week of September. C. Local economies respond well to a strong monsoon season. (2) Location has led to invasion and occupation by other nations. This is a part of our recently launched, NEW INITIATIVE IASbaba’s INTEGRATED REVISION PLAN (IRP) 2020 – Road Map for the next 100 Days! 2. the answer is B IAS PRELIMS 2020 GEOGRAPHY Qns ANALYSIS. Which best describes climate? Posted on February 17, 2021 by February 17, 2021 by (1) India and Pakistan have agreed on shared borders. They force cool, moist air from oceans to rise. A. (2) Superstition and magic are important aspects of the natural world. Correct answers: 2 question: Which of the following statements about monsoons are correct? The Sahara prevented the spread of Islam to the region. As much as we hate the traffic on the city roads, we love the pleasant evenings and the chance to bring out our funky colourful umbrellas. The monsoon is here people! Answer: 1 question Which statements best describe monsoons? Deliver the best with our CX management software. A monsoon is actually a seasonal shift in wind direction and pressure distribution that causes a change in precipitation. For Previous Static Quiz (ARCHIVES) – CLICK HERE DAILY STATIC QUIZ will cover all the topics of Static/Core subjects – Polity, History, Geography, Economics, Environment and Science and technology.. However, many people advocate the eradication ... statements best describes … The global monsoon is a response of the coupled atmosphere-land–ocean system to the annual variation in solar radiation and is characterized by a global-scale seasonal reversal of prevailing surface winds and the associated seasonal contrast in precipitation (Wang et al. 19 Which statement best expresses the ideas of the Scientifi c Revolution? The Answer (3) Humans and environment. Question 4 1 pts Which statement best describes a monsoon? Large dust storms are a common occurrence during monsoon season in the Desert Southwest. The advent of south-west monsoon is known as advancing monsoon. (3) Athens granted voting rights to male citizens only. Monsoons are most often associated with the Indian Ocean. The best way to stay cool on a hot and humid day is to stay back home as much as you can. Rains that are produced by monsoons promote sustainable economic development. But only few of them have seasonal rains, called monsoons. Monsoons would bring much needed rain that farmers require for their crops in a hot climate. D) All of the above. c. as prices rise, so will supply; as prices fall, so will supply. When monsoon came either too early or late in a season, it would affect the agriculture of Ancient India. With reference to monsoon of eastern Asia and southern Asia, consider the following statements: 1. Monsoons cause wet and dry seasons throughout much of the tropics. A monsoon is not a storm like a hurricane or a summer thunderstorm, but a much larger pattern of winds and rain that spans a large geographic area – a continent or even the entire globe. Answers: 2, question: Which statement best describes monsoons? Unit Test Which statement best describes monsoons? Similarly, a total of 15 NDRF teams have been positioned in Maharasthra's coastal districts to deal with any eventualities. a. as prices fall, supply will rise; as prices rise, supply will fall. (3) Scientifi c ideas should be … It is affair of 4 months from June to September in which India receives most of its rainfall. Which heading best completes the partial outline. For example, it appears that El Nino, the periodic warming of the Pacific Ocean west of South America, affects that the monsoon rains that are essential for agriculture in India. Which statement best describes monsoons? (1) Warm, moist air flows from India to the Indian Ocean. Which statement most accurately describes how geography affected the growth of the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia? Tibetan Buddhist stupa and houses outside the town of Ngawa, on the Tibetan Plateau. The air is cool, there is less rain, and humidity is low, plus the sunshine is less threatening. ____ 31. The southwest monsoon is the most significant feature of the Indian climate. Less than 30mm of rainfall annually. Alden Kling Answered 2021-06-11 04:38:23. As a season, it occurs only in some regions. (3) Cold, dry air flows from India to the Indian Ocean. Coming from the Arabic word "mauism" meaning season and referring to a recurring rainy period in the year, monsoons occur when Design, send and analyze online surveys. -the total solar energy received by earth -the weight of air pushing down on earth -the speed of prevailing wind circling earth -the amount of water vapor in … Which statement accurately describes the location of South Asian natural resources? El Nino has an adverse effect on south-west monsoon of India, but La Nina has no effect on monsoon climate. A monsoon is a change in a region’s weather pattern that marks the beginning of the wet season, or the time of year when that region will see the bulk of its rainfall. answer choices . If you also want one, here’s a list of all the best places to get it from. Frequently, the monsoon season brings devastating _____ to countries in southern and Southeast Asia. In winter the winds blow from the northeast and bring dry air from Asia’s mainland to most of South Asia. Pikas have extensive burrows that help drain groundwater rapidly and are used as nesting sites by many bird species. A. See Answer. A dry "downburst" is more common during the climatologically drier times of the Arizona monsoon (June & early July), while a wet "downburst" prevails during the wetter times of the monsoon, statistically in late July through September. In a sense, monsoons are much like gigantic sea / land breezes. ... which statement is most … But there is a difference: a monsoon is not a single storm; rather, it … (a) Only 1 (b) Only 2 (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2. It is also the largest monsoon in India, and it is usually the south west monsoon which is considered as the ‘main’ monsoon in India. SURVEY . They are winds that blow in the opposite direction of a normal wind. The monsoon is influenced by global phenomenon like ElNino. d) 3 and 5 only. This monsoon is very strong and has adverse effects on climate in this area (Parker, 2007, p. 1). The monsoons usually arrive after the summer season. Which title best describes the cartoonist’s point of view about globalization? c. as prices rise, so will supply; as prices fall, so will supply. India receives rainfall during two seasons. All downbursts are characterized by a circulation termed a "vortex ring", a vertically rotating circle of air. Check all that apply. A) Monsoons can cause devastating landslides and floods. Tibetan Buddhist stupa and houses outside the town of Ngawa, on the Tibetan Plateau. Survey software Easy to use and accessible for everyone. c) 2 and 4 only. They influence precipitation as wind moves near a mountain. They influence precipitation as wind moves near a mountain. answer choices . Heavy monsoon rains usually occur in India during. What is the Northeast monsoon? Essay topics for cgl tier 3 2019, which statements best describe an effective claim in an argumentative essay short formal essay in a magazine! Powerful monsoon winds prevented Indian sailors from reaching East Africa. test over monsoon asia topic. (a) Only 1 (b) Only 2 (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2. They bring rain in the summer and drought in the winter. If false, correct the statement Ans : False (1) Mountainous terrain was an obstacle to Greek political unity. A)lower temperatures and less precipitation ... 34.Which statement best summarizes the general effects Which statement best describes the monsoon winds during the rainy season in India? (2) Warm, moist air flows from the Indian Ocean to India. (3) India and Nepal are currently involved in border disputes with each other. Along the escarpment is a range of mountains. Along the escarpment is a range of mountains. 51. Summers are usually hot and dry. select 3 correct choices. All of South Asia’s petroleum reserves are offshore in the Arabian Sea. 8. Tags: Question 11 . Select the correct answer using the codes given below. Monsoons bring rains that cause widespread destruction to property from flooding. They are winds that blow in the opposite direction of a normal wind. Monsoons are large air masses in the tropics that move onto the land from the _____ during the summer and from the land back to the _____ in the winter. Answer. C) A weak monsoon season can lead to drought and starvation. The shift of the position of Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) in summer, over the Ganga plain (this is the equatorial trough normally positioned about 5°N of the equator – also known as the monsoon trough during the monsoon season). They are winds that blow in the opposite direction of a normal wind. Monsoons produce the very wet summers and dry winters that occur on nearly all of the tropical continents. (4) Cold, dry air flows from the Indian Ocean to India. They force cool, moist air from oceans to rise. 2. Question: The map below shows the location of India and the Indian Ocean. Which of the following statements best describes the law of supply? Select the one that is best in each case and then fill in the corresponding circle on the answer sheet. In this paper, we discuss the causes of the South Asian monsoons and explore their effects on the climate of this region. (3) Cold, dry air flows from India to the Indian Ocean. India and Asia experience the strongest monsoons, making them vulnerable to droughts, savage winds, and floods. Nigeria, like many African countries, experiences wet and dry monsoons. a. as prices fall, supply will rise; as prices rise, supply will fall. Others experience rains throughout the year or little rain. Which statements best describe monsoons? The presence of the high-pressure area, east of Madagascar, approximately at 20°S over the Indian Ocean. Monsoons are the heavy rains during the rainy season, usually from June to September. Almost all the places on the earth receives rainfall. Customer Experience Experiences change the world. The mountains block the passage of rain-producing weather systems and cast a "shadow" of dryness behind them. The first heart sound is caused by turbulence created when the mitral and tricuspid values close. Describe the normal weather for May 1 at one of the locations you chose. S1 can be best heard over the apex, using a stethoscope's bell or diaphragm. (2) Several borders are in dispute between India and China. The Dust Bowl It now describes the area in the United States most affected by the storms, including western Kansas, eastern Colorado, northeastern New Mexico, and the Oklahoma and Texas panhandles. ... monsoon season. They force cool, moist air from oceans to rise. Essayons construction: bestessay education how to quote articles in an essay. What is a monsoon and why are they important to ancient India? a) 1 only. The months of October and November are known as retreating monsoons season. Geography: Asia - India modern definition of monsoon is based on rainfall characteristics, and the resultant monsoon domain ex-tends to include the North and South American mon-soons, as well as the southern African monsoon (Wang 1994; Wang and Ding 2006). Since its upload, it has received 108 views. El Nino and the mosoon. The earth is interconnected. It is also very essential for agriculture in India, especially for seasonal crops of rice and many other crops. El Nino has an adverse effect on south-west monsoon of India, but La Nina has no effect on monsoon climate. If false, correct the statement. Which phrase best describes Mali under the rule of Mansa Musa? They force cool, moist air from oceans to rise. Since its upload, it has received 88 views. They bring heavy rain in the winter and in the summer. Heavy monsoon rains usually occur in India during. 4. monsoon. High peak season in the Philippines is during the amihan season since it brings the best weather conditions. The first month of the monsoon season in India ended with a total rainfall 33% below the 50-year average, Citi said, citing data from the India Meteorological Department. Derived from mauism, the Arabic word for "season," a monsoon often refers to a rainy season — but this only describes the weather a monsoon brings, not what a monsoon is. Two factors that determine climate are. Which statement represents weather data? Answer. A)lower temperatures and less precipitation ... 34.Which statement best summarizes the general effects Monsoon is the seasonal reversal of wind especially seen in the tropical regions of Earth. For example, Kolkata receives 119 cm, Patna 105 cm, Allahabad 76 cm, and Delhi 56 cm. Heavy monsoons help ensure a strong rice crop. The monsoon … In 642-902 642-902, aio Refer to the exhibit Which three statements correctly describe Network Device A? 50% humidity at 4pm. D. Monsoons can damage landscapes with mudslides and flooding. Which statement can best be supported by the information on this 2003 map? There are large scale sea or ocean breezes during the monsoons. S1 and S2 heart sounds are often described as lub - dub. What is the Northeast monsoon? The monsoon commonly occurs from October to late March, although occurrence may vary every year. They influence precipitation as wind moves near a mountain. Figure1illustrates themonsoonraindomains defined by two simple criteria in rainfall characteristics (green Here are the monsoon rains (in millimeters) for the 23 strong El Nino years between 1871 and 2004: 628 669 740 651 710 717 698 653 604 781 784 790 811 830 … the statement is True or False. They are winds that blow in the opposite direction of a normal wind. They bring rain in the summer and drought in the winter. But even if your house isn’t air-conditioned, you can do a few things to cool your house naturally . (3) Lack of rivers has limited food production. Which statement describes the mutation in the diagram? Answer: D) All of the above. Asked by Yvng Comic. A) forest fires B) mudslides C) floods. - the answers to estudyassistant.com (2) Warm, moist air flows from the Indian Ocean to India. Monsoon rains during summers. They are winds that blow in the opposite direction of a normal wind. Which events are … b) 2, 4 and 5 only. Research Edition Survey software designed for market research professionals to uncover complex insights. The question contains content related to Geography and Arts and Humanities. A new concept, the directed angle, is introduced to study seasonal rotation regimes of global wind vectors and annual variability of monsoon. Include an analysis of how monsoons can be responsible for survival and hardship in this region. A monsoon often brings about thoughts of torrential rains, similar to a hurricane or typhoon. The Tibetan Plateau is bounded in the north by a broad escarpment where the altitude drops from around 5,000 metres (16,000 ft) to 1,500 metres (4,900 ft) over a horizontal distance of less than 150 kilometres (93 mi). An area that experiences very dry weather when the ITCZ moves over them An area that experiences very wet weather when the ITCZ moves over them An area that always experiences heavy rain as the ITCZ is always over them An area that always experiences very dry conditions as the ITCZ is always over them Question 5 1 pts Which … Imagine that you are planning a major outdoor event such as a concert or a wedding. Identify 3 of Egypt's natural barriers, This map shows the routes that early humans took once they began to migrate from Africa about 60,000 years ago.A: Early humans mostly traveled to and settled in cold regions.B: Early humans mainly followed routes far away from coastlines and settled near rivers.C:Early humans settled in areas that were suitable to their needs. Which statement best describes monsoons? Q. B. The onset of the southwest monsoon takes place normally over the southern tip of the country by the first week of June, advances along the Konkan coast in early June and covers the whole country by 15th July. Which of the following statements about monsoons are correct? atmospheric pressure is a measure of which of the following? Uncategorized which of the following statement describes inputsplit? Geography & Environment is one of the pet topics of UPSC Prelims and it maintained its position. 15. Recall that the sea breeze develops because of uneven heating between land and water. b. Spain and Portugal are located north of France. What area was hit worst by the Dust Bowl? B. (3) vast plains (4) monsoons (Jan 11 Q8) Which statement about ancient Greece is an opinion rather than a fact? Important timber resources include teak, sal, and sandalwood. Workforce Create the best employee experience and act on real-time data from end to end. (1) Religious authorities are responsible for understanding and interpreting new information. They bring heavy rain in the winter and in the summer. Which statement best describes monsoons? They force cool, moist air from oceans to rise. They are winds that blow in the opposite direction of a normal wind. They bring heavy rain in the winter and in the summer. They influence precipitation as wind moves near a mountain. d. Spain and Portugal are both located west of Italy. 7:00 pm: In a statement, the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport (CSMIA) said a total of four go-arounds were initiated on Wednesday owing to inclement weather in the city. [1] Ans : False Rice is grown with the onset of monsoon in different parts of India. (1) Warm, moist air flows from India to the Indian Ocean. The term monsoons can be defined as (1) seasonal winds (2) sand deposits (3) ocean currents (4) mountain avalanches. The monsoon rainfall has a declining trend with increasing distance from the sea. They force cool, moist air from oceans to rise. Wind and moist air are drawn by the prevailing winds towards the top of the mountains, where it condenses and precipitates before it crosses the top. Which statement best describes the impact of the monsoons on South Asia a They from ENGLISH 107 at Cornell College b. as demand rises, so will supply, and as demand falls, so will supply. They bring heavy rain in the winter and in the summer. Downdrafts can be dry or wet. It is a kharif crop. 0 0 1. Which of the statements given above is/are correct? Unfortunately, I'm going to have to break my promise because that tired statement best describes Mira Nair's exuberant Monsoon Wedding. S1 heart sound is a low frequency sound, occurring at the beginning of systole. (1) Large deserts have led to isolation. (2) The Spartan culture placed an emphasis on military skills. A monsoon is a seasonal change in the direction of the prevailing, or strongest, winds of a region. a. Spain is located north of France and Portugal is located south of France. The Question. If your house is air conditioned, then the weather outside will hardly meddle with your daily affairs.

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